Animals in factory farms are given doses of antibiotics -- both to keep them alive in stressful, unsanitary conditions, and to make them grow faster. The practice leads to new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as the now-widespread form of staph (MRSA) known as ST398.
Federal regulators have in the past refused to release estimates of just how much antibiotics the livestock industry uses. But recently the FDA released its first-ever report on the topic. And the amount? Twenty-nine million pounds of antibiotics in 2009 alone.
According to Grist:"[T]he Animal Health Institute, a veterinary-drug trade group, estimated total use in livestock at 17.8 million pounds. The industry has been clinging to that number ever since ... [T]he industry figure is woefully off -- about 40 percent lower than the real one."
I can just hear some of you after reading this saying to yourself "Pat start depress me so early in the new year?"
But people forewarned is to be forearmed!
Remember we might have gotten away last year but this year is another 12 months we are doing these things and it adds up...once in a while fine - meat 7 days per week not so fine........a close friend of mine eats chicken twice a day from he has been at school, chicken for lunch and chicken for dinner....TALK ABOUT ANTIBIOTICS in his blood,come on!Remember its not the good old days..............
Wait till that catches up with him!
You seem to read a lot, especially articles on Health.
Have you read Jane Plant's "Eating for Better Health" or her first book, "Your life in your Hands". Just wanted to know if they were worth purchasing... and if there were any new thoughts expressed.
Ive only read the first, she is trying to get the word out so if u r looking for new thoughts no but if u r looking for how to do it the one i read helps....
Lots of good reading here, many thanks! I had been searching on yahoo when I found your article, I’m going to add your feed to Google Reader, I look forward to far more from you.
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