Enjoy your lives please ...look how prepared Japan was....yearly countrywide drills ...even Tsunami warnings didn't save them,and if that wasn't bad enough here comes the probable meltdown of a nuclear reactor.
I LOVE THESE PEOPLE THEIR DISCIPLINE TELLS ME THEY WILL BE BACK BIGGER AND BETTER as instead of running for their lives some workers stood to hold up shelves as they shook, they continue to stand in lines orderly waiting their turn and most interesting of all they are in debt but not to the outside world but to Japanese investors.......
The strength of the earthquake that hit Haiti last year wouldn't have dented Japan...the one that hit Japan would have wiped Haiti off the map. If any country can go through this mighty slam Japan can!
All I have to say to the West is there will be a lot of cheap Japanese cars flooding the market from about May, BUY WITH CARE!
NOW HERE IS A NEWS FLASH from David Wolfe as we continue to damage the earth -
The Most Important Water Discovery Ever!
Did you know… EPA records now show that over 2,100 cancer-causing chemicals have been detected in municipal tap water? (USA)
And what's worse… are you aware that there are over 80,000 manufacturing chemicals currently used in America... and over 1,000 new ones being developed every year?
The scary thing is, these chemicals are so new that we really don't know the long term risks of being exposed to them.
Before you reach for your plastic bottle of water, consider this: the 61 billion dollar bottled water industry uses more than 17 million barrels of oil each year to produce bottles.
That's enough energy to fuel over a MILLION cars for a year!
Aren't we ever going to learn?
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