Sunday, February 26, 2012


"It comes in threes", "it's a leap year", as we continue to make these statements life goes on .... Whitney's sudden death had everybody in shock internationally and Ed Gallimore succumbing to a gunman's bullet still has us in shock locally...I keep trying to make sure that we all know another day above ground is not promised so we must give thanks and make the most of every day ......your way to unwind might be to lie in bed all day, whereas someone else might be to spend time with family and friends,whatever and however make sure it's what you want to do.
We all never seem to realize that whether we are famous or not we are all going to die, whether we are famous or not we can contract a disease and if we have too much fame and money comes too fast we might lose our minds to a life we cannot come back from. Moderation in all things is the key and realizing that a lot of us are eating out our insides by the stress we continue to inwardly digest. We hug up these feelings instead of acknowledging them and allowing them to pass.
Just think of how you feel when in a new love relationship,that happy feeling and then think when we break up how we feel, when we acknowledge that these things cause our insides to come alive or die we can acknowledge happiness and hurt and know that both will pass given time so don't spend time pretending we are not feeling as our body is reacting whether we acknowledge it or not so know that not only our food causes acidic conditions in our body emotions do too.
We need to become more aware and stop buying into rubbish with expressions like "it comes in threes" -it comes in all amounts and whether leap or any other kind of year year all kinds of things are going to happen good and bad.Look at it this way,Whitney is out of her struggle and out of her death came the most unforgettable going home service,who knew Tyler Perry could preach or R Kelly could bring us to tears?
To all of the regular followers of my blog who have been asking -I have started blogging less not because I'm sick but I've finally settled down to get my book done so watch out for that!

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