Sunday, July 29, 2012

Divorced after 30 years of marriage - how do I feel? Happy , free, untangled? Makes no difference to me really  as out of the 30 years we may have spent 12 together. What we are is good friends . Always been - we started that way and have ended that way. Never have we been able to reconcile our love with living together. He is logical - I'm creative . He is careful over money and life I am carefree and come what may. One thing we did though was love each other. We really put our vows of "in sickness and in health"  to the test and we both  passed with flying colours .Through all my illnesses he has always been there and his major surgery found me at his side with both of us not knowing that I was about to experience round 2 of colon cancer. One very funny incident happened one day when he went into hospital to have a minor surgical procedure and i went to get him , i was in so much pain that he ended up driving me home to Mobay 120 miles away instead of me driving him to our house in Kingston.
I now realize after working on myself over the years and 2 failed marriages , that its not about them it's about me and not all of us are cut out for marriage - relationships are fine but marriage no - I'm good all by myself . On our 30th anniversary his comment to me when I called to wish him happy anniversary, was ' our relationship is better than most. ' How true that is.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Missing food that's not good for me

Food ....... what do I eat ?
Hunger is such a pain these days . I want to stay raw as that's how I do best and feel best but is it boring to me?  Yes. Why? Because I am a carnivore. I don't need to eat cooked food but I do need a steak every now and then - you could throw in a pork chop too and then there is white rum and cranberry ,and magnum and evaporated milk all my loves are a no no. Curry goat and rice ,stew peas with pig's tail,ox tail, fried chicken,crusty kaiser roll or French bread - I could go on . Nowhere in  my DNA does it say Donna Patricia loves green food. I will eat it, preferably drink it but I don't love it- I will drink the juices all forms the greener the better as sugar has never been a problem for me - not for me are the kales and  carrots and salads ,I'll eat the mushrooms and Brussels sprouts and broccoli especially with a porterhouse steak.I never have to wonder how I came to have had cancer 4 times - I ate myself there . I never met a bowl of roasted peanuts (not the tin ones) that didn't have my name attached to it- did I say burnt food? Rice  (bun pot bottom ) BBQ burnt on the outside pink on the inside,cashew all tips dark ,anything with the flavour of a little burn has my name on it. Why I sit and mourn over these things I will never know as when I'm eating healthily I bound out of bed ready for my day and I have no spare tyres anywhere especially under the breast where all women my age keep a truck tyre - I am free of those things so why?.
A dozen crabs, crusty bread and a beer,great way to spend an evening -well that's not my life any more so it brings us to the age old question ,is life worth living without doing what you love to do?