Monday, May 17, 2010


Let me share information from someone who I respect a lot, DR. RITAMARIE LOSCALZO , expounding on a topic that is confusing too many of us - cleansing and detoxifying - here is what she has to say -
Have you ever felt like you're on a roller coaster when it comes to your diet and your never ending quest to cleanse and detoxify ?
Fact of the matter is, the information on diets and cleansing programs is very confusing ! And the more you read and study, the more confusing it becomes.
I for one am not a fan of wild claims and miracle cures.
What I've discovered in my almost 2 decades of changing lives through diet and detoxification is a closely guarded secret in the nutrition field....
Are you ready for it?
There is no one plan that works for everyone!...not raw foods, not fasting, not juicing, not medical food powders, not the cranberry juice flush, or liver flushes or
macrobiotics or.....fill in the blank.
As much as I'd like it to be so, 'cause it would make my job a lot easier, I have yet to find any one thing that across the board works for everyone straight “out of he box.
It would be nice if we were all cookie cutter perfect, but the truth is we're not.
Just as you look different than me on the outside, there are subtle differences between us on the inside. What that translates to is simply that even if we follow the same program to the letter, your results will most likely be different than mine
That's why I preach daily that moderation is the key !
The other thing that this makes me believe even more is that we should eat according to our blood type.
I feel this is why I may react to something that you don't react to. We eat the same thing and have 2 totally different reactions... I feel it's our blood type that contributes big time to us being so different..doesn't hurt to test this theory now does it?

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