Monday, May 31, 2010


Every time I backslide where food is concerned I ask myself the question - is it worth the risk ? and the answer is always why do I do it?
When I can answer that I wont do it again now will I?
Here is what Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo has to say on this topic:
Is it worth the risk ? is a great question to ask yourself when making lifestyle choices that affect your health.
What risks do you take on a regular basis?
Driving or being a passenger without a seat belt?
Riding a bicycle without a helmet?
Going to bed without flossing your teeth?
Life is filled with risk/reward/choices. Are you clear enough about your core values and goals that the choices are easy to make?
Here are 5 risks that most people take on a daily basis:
1. Eating heated oils. The threshold temperature is slightly different for each oil, yet the result is similar. Above the threshold, the heat causes oxidation of the fat,making it damaging to your immune system and antioxidant status. This puts you at risk for cancer, heart disease and a host
of degenerative ailments. Poly-unsaturated oils like safflower, corn, sunflower and soybean are the most risky,and are generally oxidized in the bottle, before you even
open them, due to exposure to light, heat and air.
2. Eating sugar. Sugar not only contributes to poor dental health, it also feeds cancer cells, and its consumption dramatically increases your cancer risk. Sugar also creates hormonal disruption, contributes to a condition called
insulin resistance and its characteristic fat around the waist, and results in impaired energy metabolism and decreased immunity. As if that's not enough, sugar
contributes to focus and concentration, heart disease, and dozens of other health maladies
3. Exposure to pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in the air and water. These tax your inborn detoxification systems, leading to toxic buildup, mental health issues and digestive disturbances.
4. Worrying. Getting yourself in a tizzy about things that may happen, could happen and would be horrible if did happen is a sure fire way of putting yourself at risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke and chronic fatigue. It puts your body into 'fight/flight' mode, creating a cascade of chemical reactions that impairs digestion and absorption of nutrients and can contribute to cancer.
5. Eating processed and refined cooked foods. These are deficient in nutrients and usually contain harmful preservatives, additives and flavorings, which disrupt hormone pathways, drain your body of B-vitamins and other nutrients needed for energy metabolism and leave you exhausted, toxic and undernourished
Go through the list and determine how much you're putting yourself at risk. Then ask yourself when confronted with a food or lifestyle choice, “Is this worth the risk? Is the momentary pleasure worth long-term disconnection from what really matters?
Making choices consistent with your higher good takes some effort on your part. You'll need to educate yourself,learn to make different food choices and risk being “different”.As one of my potluck participants said when asked about his
food choices and whether he felt deprived,“Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels".
Well I don`t succumb to most of those risks but I love a good steak and prime rib of beef, so when I succumb that's what I do.....I always eat too much protein....and I must say that although it doesn't happen very often, I consider eating cooked food backsliding as it makes me feel completely different than when I'm eating completely raw....but completely raw comes with its own set of problems like not being able to backslide without being sick so I tend to always have a little cooked in my diet, but a little cooked and eating cooked every day for a week is 2 different things...Is that worth the risk ? NO!

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