It's so interesting to see that Deepak Chopra is trying to tell us that no matter what we do, no matter what we take, nothing will work unless we are in a happy place - our mind is our entire body not just in our brain - most interesting talk I've heard in a long time. In other words if we don't choose to be happy we don't choose life!
It brought to mind the part of the movie Marley where Judy Mowatt said that the next concert Bob was going to give after his diagnosis of cancer spreading everywhere, I think it was in Pittsburgh, she said it was the longest sound check she had ever gone through in all her years of working with him - 3 hours and he only played one song 'I'm a hurting inside' - that should be called cancer patients' anthem as no matter how well we are doing, the pain is always inside. Deepak Chopra's observation of the need to be in a happy place cannot be overestimated - in the movie Cindy said that at the time she wanted Bob to come back to Jamaica , smoke the biggest spliff, stay in St. Ann and just enjoy his life but the men in his life said no and sent him off to the only doctor who had ever cured a melanoma and he was located in Germany.
Now you tell me where would Bob have been happiest living out his last days ? In St. Ann, Jamaica among his peeps or knee deep in snow with strangers fighting for his life. Maybe he would have lasted even another year - and more importantly live out his last days in a happier frame of mind.
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