Friday, January 9, 2015

Health is our wealth

On the morning of 23rd Dec 2014 I woke up and realized that I'm taking this being alone thing a little too far. I have a son and 2 grandchildren who love me and my son and I have been 'doing' Christmas by ourselves ever since his divorce but I felt that New York , where he lives, was going to be extra cold this year so I had decided to stay in Jamaica . Well his on and off girlfriend, whom I love dearly, had made plans to spend Christmas with him so on the spur of the moment I decided - let me see if I can get on her flight - have credit card will travel so off I went to a fabulous Christmas with both of them with me as the third can't done!!!
New York city acquiesced and gave me 61 degree weather and it couldn't have been any better .
Back I came the Saturday complete with a flu to end all flus  could it be too much enjoyment of 61 degree weather I don't know but I brought in the New Year with a doozy of a cold. First time in years  i had to succumb to antibiotics and it took so long to work too.... they finally telling us that the flu shots this year might not work as this flu is a different strain....scary scary world! 
Lots of decisions this year. Lots of coming into what the Lord has saved me for all these years. They say you don't make changes if you're comfortable so this year I see uncomfortableness coming on my work scene so I will make a move.
Read recently that it was discovered last year that children in Jamaica are having more cancer than ever before  especially brain cancer.Can we look seriously on what we are feeding our children for 2015? We overdose them with sugar then when we get the diagnosis we freak!!!! Also this heavy diet of processed foods is a no, no - people please ease the children out of all the unhealthy things we're giving them to eat - someone told me last week their 8 year old sister doesn't eat vegetables and this morning Neville told us on TVJ he doesn't drink water - that is so wrong and please, please, please remember foreign fruits are radiated to come in the country so soak, soak, soak - local vegetables come from farms that we don't know what herbicides and pesticides are being used so we're really between the devil and the deep blue sea but we have to realize that eating organic is still cheaper than paying J$300,000 for a round of chemo or J$1.8m for radiation.
For  2015 we don't need to be sitting on chairs because there are no beds in the hospitals because we're having strokes because of  blood pressure issues -have u looked around you and seen how many men have high blood pressure and diabetes? PLEASE throw away those high blood pressure tablets and drink cinnamon tea and  grapefruit juice,take vitamin C, do all the 5k walks and stop the woe is me-Remember our brain is the controlling factor.what we believe we will achieve.
We need to remember our health is our wealth ! May 2015 be our wealthiest year yet.

1 comment:

diabolique said...

Hi, I've been doing a lot of research on natural treatments for cancer and I was wondering if you've heard of hemp oil. If not, please look into it and consider it a part of your treatment regimen.