Saturday, November 22, 2008


As this financial meltdown continues I turn inwards and ask why is this happening at this time and the answer comes through clearly that the world could not continue like this.
The poor getting poorer the rich getting richer...all these golden parachutes for fools at the top while poor people stand in unemployment lines.
People filing bankruptcy because a family member was sick and the cost of treatment devoured all their savings and they had to take out loans they could not afford. People losing their houses because banks advised them to buy homes without deposits etc.
It's not only this side of the world, look on Africa the leaders living in gold-embossed mansions while children have flies taking them up in the same country. Did u see the funeral for the queen of Thailand? It took 10 months to plan. Aren`t they having problems?
Someone has to pay for it .......So the world is going to, the thieves without conscience and us fools who follow blindly.
We follow doctors thinking they are Gods, we follow financial advisers thinking they know what's best for us. We turn over our pay cheques to pastors who rape our children (altar boys) and women in the choir under the guise they r doing it for God......We women allow our husbands who know no more than us, to constantly belittle us and because they thrill us in our beds we open our purses to them, oftentimes going without to make them happy.
It HAD TO STOP .......Those fools who were sent packing by Congress to go and get a plan didn`t have a plan because they have never needed one before, they would fly in with their Lear jets and fly out with billions.....Imagine coming to beg money all coiffed and manicured in a Lear jet , that when asked if any of them plan to sell*, not one hand went up.........disrespect ? Why didn`t we didn`t recognize it before? It's not the first time this has happened, but we notice it this time because A NEW SHERIFF is in town. A CHANGE WE CAN SEE.
In Jamaica one of our politicians said yesterday that the government of which he was a major part for 18 years did nothing for poor people..big of him why didn`t he say that while he was in power doing nothing for poor people.I can tell him that since the USA is the "free market" model-when the change comes there, developing countries like ours will be the better for it after all these years of patterning the same wasteful spending and environmental degradation.
TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING......All those people in the auto industry, u need to stop making Hummers and Escalades, we can`t afford that on the roads - in today's world u will be making fuel efficient cars or u will be working in the energy industry. I understand they will need 5 million people to build pipelines put up windmills etc.U are also going to work repairing roads and bridges. It will be rough at the beginning as all change is, but we need to eliminate waste and the sooner the better.
All those malls that are filing bankruptcy.......Where did that money go? They are filled with stores and the stores are filled with people.......Try finding somewhere to park any day of the week. Half of them need to close, this mad shopping without rhyme or reason needs to stop. A Starbucks on every corner selling coffee for $5 a cup.....ridiculous! That is for Wall Street bankers and news anchors that earn US$20,000 per month some earn that per week, they can afford that , here we go following them earning US$2000 per month. It can`t work, what message are we sending to our children? We wonder where our children got this freeness mentality from and we curse them for running up huge credit card debts...Come on people it all comes from us "THE BABY BOOMERS" - Some boom we caused.........

* It came on the news last night that GM has had a change of heart and has decided to sell 2 of their jets...I WONDER HOW MANY THEY HAVE ?

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