Friday, January 8, 2010


My favourite food person has a great little food interview in this months 'Oprah' try and read it he always makes so much sense 3 things that you know would stick with me is "Don`t buy things that your grandmother or great-grandmother- depending on your age - wouldn't recognize as food she wouldn`t know what Splenda with fiber is" so ..don`t buy it and you know what I`m always harping on he's very generous he says "don`t buy things with more than five ingredients" I say one ingredient........the other thing that hit me was "don`t eat 'foods' with ingredients that a normal person doesn`t have in her pantry, ETHOXYLATED TRIGLYCERIDES? who cooks with that?"
He also says something that I`m always preaching about the fact that it's better to pay the grocer than the doctor.............
I just love him try and read the article "HOW TO BREAK BREAD (AND POOR EATING HABITS)" It's short and to the point!

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