Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Watching an interview with an 110 year old lady yesterday was most interesting and confirmed my beliefs that as long as you can eat whole foods you can eat anything....she said she doesn`t eat pork and surprise surprise she doesn`t eat CHICKEN!!!!!
She loves making her meals and took great pleasure in saying how she made run down with her fresh coconut milk not from a packet made in China people.....fresh everything....... she fixed it all herself,no fast food, no not knowing where the food comes from and she loves johnny cake which is a Jamaican fried flour dumpling but she says she only has one - everything in moderation.....
She had such energy and was so alert and reads without glasses and unlike cancer patients, who in their fifties don`t have a memory thanks to chemo, she has A PHENOMENAL MEMORY!!!!! She could quote poems from her school days....
After watching that stimulating interview , here comes this in my mailbox from LUCAS at YogaBodyNaturals.com
When I first got into healthy living, one of my old friends asked me: "Why does everyone in the health food store look so sick?"
I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. Sick people hang out in health food stores, obsess over foods choices,and study labels like scientists.
The world is full of paradoxes like this, and here's what REALLY gets me:
At least ½ of the "health food" on the market isn't actually healthy at all. I'm serious. Sugar-free cookies, bran-filled muffins, fat-free ice cream... this stuff is all seriously toxic.
I know this because I put it to the test in 1999. For 3 months straight, I ate nothing but Balance bars (these little energy bars sold at GNC, grocery stores, and gas stations).
They used to have a flavor called Strawberry-Yogurt, and I ate those damn things like they were going out of style.
Let me whet your palate: each bar had a white cream coating that covered a brown turd nugget with the consistency of a 3-week old brownie. And inside, it
contained the following:
- 15 grams of protein
- 15 grams of carbs
- 6 grams of fat
- 23 essential vitamins & minerals
- 100% daily allowance of Vitamin C & E
- Full B vitamin spectrum
Back then, I used to smoke and drink, so the above nutrients sounded like a jackpot. I was in pathetic shape with a weak and floppy body; but I figured I just needed some better nutrients.
So I gave up all food and just munched on these perfect little "balanced" bars instead.
Surprise, surprise, I felt like crap. My eyes turned grey,I stank like garbage, and I used the toilet about once every 3 days... nightmare!
In the morning, I'd wake up with a coppery taste in my mouth, and my pee was as bright as orange juice (there goes those "23 essential vitamins").
Back then, I couldn't figure it out. Technically, I had everything an exceptionally healthy person needs: the protein, the nutrients, the right amount of fat.
But with food, "technically" doesn't mean squat. Naturally is what matters.
Case and point: do you know anyone who eats meat and potatoes every day and is super healthy? I do. Know anyone who eats "health foods" all day and yet looks and feels
like crap? I do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying give up your tofu for 2 all-beef patties on a sesame seed bun... but what I am saying is that WHOLE food trumps so-called
HEALTH food 7 days a week.
No packaging. No processing. No additives. No nothing.
Food comes from the earth, and the really healthy stuff arrives on your plate shortly there after. If you're into yoga, if you want to be more flexible, if you're trying to connect with your physical body... then I gotta tell you, food is where it's at
Talking about moderation look at this Lady. Guess how old she is? She is 100 years young and this is from a photo shoot done a few days before her 100th Birthday! She says everything in moderation.Her picture and story I`m putting on my refrigerator to remind myself that it can be done....GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD LOOKS AT 100 CAN BE DONE!

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