Thursday, August 26, 2010


My youngest son compiled the following information from research on acid reflux he did for one of his clients and I decided to post it as it can certainly help those of you having these problems......we are always complaining about allergies and food not digesting which is what acid reflux is...and too much acid is caused by what people???? Read on....
'The best way to restore your pH balance to your digestive tract is to eliminate foods that cause acid reflux. This also means identifying and eliminating foods that cause an allergic response.
Certain raw foods and whole foods and the right combination of vegetable juices can heal the digestive tract lining and eliminate further accumulation of acid waste. They can heal and prevent the formation of ulcers.
If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself you need to take a proactive approach. Don’t expect to feed your body processed foods, not exercise, then pop a pill and be all better… it just doesn’t work that way. If you want to bring your body into a pH balance then you need a complete approach.
1. Fried Food
More challenging to digest, fried foods, and foods high in trans-fats, wreak havoc on the digestive tract. These foods are heavy and slow down the overall digestive process, leaving excess acids that can eventually move upward into the esophagus. Fried fats also remain stuck in the digestive process for longer periods of time, and can create increased pressure in the stomach.
2. Processed Baked Goods
Sweets like brownies and cookies create an acidic environment, especially if they are processed baked goods that are full of artificial colors and preservatives. In general, avoid all forms of refined white sugar and enriched flour, as they rank highest on the “acidic” charts.
3. Coffee
While coffee acts as a laxative, more often than not, the high levels of caffeine in coffee lead to an increased secretion of gastric acid in the stomach which may cause acid reflux.
4. Carbonated Drinks
Drinks like soda pop, tonic water and Perrier increase pressure levels in the stomach, which in turn increases the acidic response. As an alternative, try drinking more purified water that’s not too cold. Stay away from acidic fruit juices, like orange juice, especially before going to bed.
5. Hot and Spicy Foods
It may seem obvious, but spicy foods do not help acid reflux. Avoid chili peppers and hot/spicy sauces. When dining out in restaurants that offer Indian or Thai food, ask your waiter for “no-spice.” For many people, the Indian version of “mild” can still wreak havoc on heartburn.
6. Alcohol
Alcohol not only increases gastric acid in your body, but it also dehydrates you and may cause you to wake up in the crucial part of the night when our body detoxes from the previous day. In this sense, drinking alcohol today can set you up for poor digestion or acid reflux tomorrow.
7. Meat
Plain and simple, meat is one of the hardest things for the stomach to digest. In general, meat that is lower in fat (fish, lean chicken, turkey) creates less acid, whereas a thick juicy steak requires more acid in the stomach. Limit meat intake to 2-3x weekly and chew well before swallowing. Better yet, eliminate as much meat from your diet, and eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies.
8. Dairy
While a cup of cold, creamy milk may provide some temporary relieve to acid reflux symptoms, you may be better off reaching for a glass of water. Milk creates excessive secretion of acid, especially if we drink it when the stomach is full, which will only make matters worse
The things you can eat to help this condition are apples, bananas, soaked almonds, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumber,celery, beetroot, so get juicing and blending and stop stressing your poor digestive system.
This morning I saw a fabulous little boy on a cooking show on TVJ (one of our local TV networks in Jamaica) he was doing corn beef balls - now aside from the fact that we don`t know the make up of the tinned corned beef he was using, I know the fatty looking greasy thing in between the-supposed-to-be meat is just that - greasy fat.......his sauce to pour over the balls had ketchup and cornstarch in it....I couldn`t watch, he was too fabulous a child....when they asked him where he got this "fabulous" recipe from the confident answer came "my teacher!" I rest my case!!

1 comment:

Acid Reflux said...

Your Blog is impressive. I am able to get all the information to acid reflux. It is truely helpful. Thank for your Information.