Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have been telling you that makeup, bath soap, detergent, household cleansers etc. will harm you seriously because of the chemicals in them..... a lot of us with asthma and allergies etc don`t realize it comes from the soap we use to wash our clothes, carpet cleaners, mosquito destroyers etc.....its amazing! We are watching our food but sleeping with poisons burning all night in our bedrooms, we never think about those things but check out Dr Mercola's advice below where he warns us that reading the labels won’t always help :
I always advocate reading the labels on the foods and personal care products you buy, but in the case of household cleaners even the most meticulous eye for labels won’t get you very far.
Because many of the most dangerous chemicals will not be not listed on the label. The manufacturers have conveniently lobbied the government to exempt them from this requirement and can omit any ingredient that is considered a secret formula from its label, and many of these secret ingredients are toxic and carcinogenic.
Household goods are still very much an unregulated market. And, cleaning product manufacturers -- even those that claim to be “green” -- are not required by law to disclose all of their ingredients on their labels.
So while it’s still better to read the label than not, be aware that a lack of ingredient on a label doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not in the product
We go out into the sun and cover our bodies with sunblock that WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S MADE OUT OF. While we need vitamin D, its called moderation people! You don't need to be in the sun from 9-5 unless you work in the sun.
Lipsticks and lip glosses that we reapply often because we eat and lick it off we have to be extra careful about......we also use mascara and eye shadows that we have had for 12 years.Come on you ever heard the word bacteria? Yes that's why your eyes keep itching.....Read the ingredients for that lovely smelling bath gel and yes that soap that makes your wash whiter than white and brighter than bright not to mention the softeners, bleach etc......we spend a day cleaning and then the next morning we wonder why we feel the way we do but we never attribute it to the cleaners - then sleeping with things plugged into the wall that send out sweet scents to make our rooms smell good OR kill the mosquitoes.....I love to listen to you all. I know you are not going to want to hear this but that's what the lizards and other things we hate like frogs are for, yes if I can say that anybody can (it wasn`t easy working on that though) they eat all the things that annoy us......and there are natural things like lemon grass and citronella that kill mosquitoes without killing you! Carcinogens are everywhere people - it's in our food its in the air so TAKE CARE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three years ago I read a book called greening your cleaning. Since then my home has been cleaned with White vinegar and soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. I add peppermint, clove and eucalyptus oil for scent.

In that time a family that was full of snotty hayfevery, congested people has been more or less free of those symptoms and hardly ever gets a cold.

I'd love to find an alternative for clothes washing, my only change in that direction has been to not use dryer sheets at all.

Thanks for your blog. I'll be checking in now and again.