Tuesday, April 26, 2011


And here I was , thinking the difference between the flat leaf parsley and the curley leaf parsley was the curl! So for all of you who also need a quick refresher course in herbs - check this out :
Herbs are not only great in meals for spice and added flavor but are key to the nutritional density in the foods you eat. Herbs can protect you against diseases, clear toxins from your body, and provide you with vitamins and minerals.
Here are some examples of such, from a list of nine assembled by Planet Green:
Basil provides Vitamins A, C, and K, along with iron, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. Loaded with flavonoids, basil helps prevent cell damage from radiation and oxygen.
Treat nausea and an upset stomach with ginger; prevent and treat the common cold with its antiviral components.
This Mediterranean herb is good for menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms, cholesterol, and diabetes.
Flat Leaf Parsley
Parsley is renowned for containing high levels of antioxidants and is full of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that help balance cholesterol and ward off constipation.
The Cork Cancer Research Centre's test results show that turmeric can kill gullet cancer cells in 24 hours

Monday, April 18, 2011


A friend asked me yesterday why he doesn't see any little boys out flying kites as in previous years, and I said, they are in their homes playing with their video games and texting on their cell phones.......
It's so sad to see lots of our children nowadays...most of them are chubby - many overweight and although most are bright and can type a million words a minute..take them outside and they can't run, they are full of allergies, they do not eat this or that,like how in our childhood days we would pick a berry or a plum oh no they can't eat that.....if it doesn't come from KFC or McDonald's it can't be eaten.........
It was such fun for me the other day to take my granddaughter and godson to a wedding and there they got into hauling down a banana tree.........my godson didn't stop till a bee stung him which stopped all of them actually - I don't think they knew like we did that you had to be wary of things like bees ... well when the mother called to ask what had stained up her son's Burberry shirt I took great pleasure in telling her "banana stain" .....
Do you remember those days lying on your back watching the cloud formations float by -an elephant - no a man on a horse, oh there goes a dog.........what fun we had till we got up and couldn't stop scratching because of course rolling in the grass will do that to you, not to talk about picking cherries from the cherry tree - but did that stop us? Oh no,it just made us more careful next time.....
I need to ask all of you that walk around with your phones attached to your ears like earrings please be careful.....I don't know what's coming out of them so I will stay texting and please when we go to dinner, ladies can we leave the phone in our bags and men in your pockets do we need to be at a party texting ?
Is that how we have fun now ?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Urinary Tract Health

Recently as I watch our younger folks choosing rum and cranberry juice as their drink of choice ..it dawned on me that they were getting a double whammy of sugar - sugar is the simple reason why I don't drink supermarket juices especially apple........so I did a little research on it and of course Dr. Mercola had the info I was looking for and here it is:
Less-than-Optimal Urinary Tract Health Is a Fact of Life for Many Women
New and Improved D-Mannose is not a drug. This nutritional supplement occurs naturally in cranberries, peaches, apples, other berries, and some plants.
At some time in their lives, one out of every five women will experience less-than-optimal urinary tract health. And, it’s not just women who are concerned with urinary tract health – men are, too.
It’s entirely possible that your urinary tract health could be less than optimal… and you don’t even know it. You’ve probably heard of a number of ways to promote optimal urinary tract health naturally. And I bet cranberry juice is one of the things you think can do it the best…
But What's the Scoop with Cranberry Juice … Does It Really Work?
Cranberry juice is NOT my recommended choice for promoting urinary tract health because it is high in fructose that can potentially lead you to health issues.
The D-Mannose found naturally in cranberries, other fruits, and some plants, however, is exceptional for helping you promote a healthy urinary tract.
Cranberry juice has long been thought to help boost your urinary tract health. And, you’ll be happy to know that studies do indeed show that drinking cranberry juice can help support a healthy urinary tract.
But, this will come as a surprise to many- drinking blueberry, peach, or apple juice could theoretically have the same beneficial effects, too.
However, there’s a BIG problem with cranberry juice as well all of these other juices: SUGAR.
To be more specific, these juices, including cranberry juice, are loaded with fructose, a monosaccharide (simple sugar) that can potentially cause many health problems, including impacting the normal way your urinary tract functions.
You see, if you eat sugars and grains (which also rapidly break down to sugars), it becomes more difficult to maintain a healthy balance of flora. As a result, you’re much more likely to experience less-than-optimal urinary tract health.
So, although cranberry juice can assist your efforts, I would not advise using it in its juice form. It simply has far too much sugar in it. In a moment, I’m going to expose another way you can get all the benefits of cranberry (and a lot more) that I think you’re going to love.
But, first, here are a number of…
Simple Things You Can Do to Support Your Urinary Tract Health
The D-Mannose for New and Improved D-Mannose comes from a simple sugar found naturally in birch and beech trees.
Is it all bad news? Of course not.
There are simple things you can do to help promote a health urinary tract, including:
Drink plenty of water every day – this dilutes your urine and helps you regularly flush your system.
Urinate when you feel the need. Don't resist the urge to go.
For women, wipe from front to back, and use unscented and unbleached toilet paper as many women react to the dyes and chemicals in other toilet papers.
Take showers instead of baths.
Cleanse your genital area prior to and after sexual intercourse, or better yet use a bidet.
Avoid feminine deodorant sprays, douches, and powders that can lead to irritation of the urethra and genitals.
Only use natural cotton sanitary napkins and tampons. 97% of women believe they are made of cotton, but the truth is LESS THAN one percent actually is.
By following these simple, but effective suggestions, you can help support your urinary tract health
And tell me how many of us have this problem on a monthly basis and stock our refrigerators with cranberry juice to help.........

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I don't watch the news on TV as I believe that whatever I need to hear will come to me and over the years I have always found this to be true ....well I was happy to see that Dr Robert Anthony feels the same about the value of the news we get from TV ... he also sees like me that people are not reading enough just like how people aren't really dancing - my books are all piling up by my bed......I guess it's a different time, but is it better for us?
Just like how food today is instant are we going to wake up one day and realize that not everything that is instant is good for us and maybe if we read a little we could learn a little more instead of following what our favourite celebrity ate or wore yesterday?
Just like how I'm monitoring my TV time, I've been tracking my food intake ever since my raw food chef son went back to work in a hotel kitchen (as not enough of us want to eat raw or "live" food, so he could not make a living doing it) and I'm here to tell you that eating cooked food no matter how much vegetables you eat gives you fat pockets, saps your energy, causes mucus to form, lowers your immune system and I could go on and on - I now have an eye infection ....I haven`t had things like that since before my last bout of cancer in 2006........it's amazing how many nutrients we cook out of our food.......
So here is Dr Robert Anthony again - trying to get us to think about the important things in life!
My goal is to get you to THINK! To really THINK about what you are doing with your life and why you do not have all the abundance you
deserve. Awareness is always the first step to change. The lessons I am sharing with you are about awareness. You get to choose what you want to do with your new awareness.
If you look at socioeconomic studies for low income households, you will find that they may have a copy of the National Enquirer or a Bible in their homes. If you go to a medium income household you will find a few books (usually by the toilet!) with a glossy gossip magazine in the family room. But what do you think you will find in high income household? A library of non-fiction books.
So the question we must ask is this: is the socioeconomic status determined by what people read or does what people read bring the status? I will guarantee you it is the latter.
All great leaders are readers. You will never grow spiritually, emotionally or financially by watching TV news and reading the tabloids. Remember there are only two things you can do with your brainpower as it relates to time. You can either spend it, or invest it. Time spent (wasted) is gone forever. Investment in the
form of learning creates a lifetime of payoff not only in knowledge, but in income as well. Decide right now that you are going to invest your greatest asset, which is your time, in learning and studying things that will bring you closer to your desires
But what are our desires?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I`m going to test the following advice from Dr.Anthony as I am a doer but I relax watching General Hospital/ American Idol /Dancing with the Stars ...you name it but I`m going to put my TV time into doing time and see what happens and report to you at the end of the year!
Statistics tell us that 85% of North American households last year did not buy one non-fiction book. Not one! If that amazes you,here is something even more amazing. 90% of those who bought a non-fiction book did not read it! Yet during that period of time these same people spent 85 BILLION DOLLARS on movies and watched television over 6 hours a day or 42 hours a week!
Now I can hear you say, "But Dr. A, that's not true in my household". Perhaps. But look around and add up how many hours the TV is running in the background, or you are flipping the remote "just to see what's on". Compare that to how much reading you do.
Are you addicted to the "plug in drug"? Both men and women are highly addicted to this powerful drug. Men will often criticize women for watching TV soap operas or other mindless TV programs, but they are not immune to this drug either. Watching TV sports is the most mindless, time wasting non-activity ever conceived by man.
Watching a group of men high on testosterone running around and throwing a ball and screaming at the TV for hours on end is absurd.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to watch a special game or playoff, but to spend your nights and weekends watching these games is nothing short of being brain dead.
The problem is we have become a nation of "watchers" instead of a nation of "doers". We watch people entertain, play sports and do other activities but we rarely participate in these activities ourselves. It wouldn't be so bad if you wanted to actually PLAY sports and get some exercise, but to watch others do it for hours on end is wasting thousands of hours of your life that could be used to bring you everything you truly desire.
Here is my point. If you don't have the riches you desire in your life, it is a clear indicator of how you are spending your time. I know. You need to relax, your friends are doing it, you need to know the "score", you need to know who is winning American Idol.
Get serious!
Now please don't write to me and argue the point. If you want to do it, then be my guest, but you are "watching" your life away. If you want more money, consider converting the time you watch TV - probably 40 hours or more a week - into a part time business and your income will jump through the roof. And the best part is you will break your addiction to the "plug in drug
Seems like a WIN-WIN-WIN to me!