Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I`m going to test the following advice from Dr.Anthony as I am a doer but I relax watching General Hospital/ American Idol /Dancing with the Stars name it but I`m going to put my TV time into doing time and see what happens and report to you at the end of the year!
Statistics tell us that 85% of North American households last year did not buy one non-fiction book. Not one! If that amazes you,here is something even more amazing. 90% of those who bought a non-fiction book did not read it! Yet during that period of time these same people spent 85 BILLION DOLLARS on movies and watched television over 6 hours a day or 42 hours a week!
Now I can hear you say, "But Dr. A, that's not true in my household". Perhaps. But look around and add up how many hours the TV is running in the background, or you are flipping the remote "just to see what's on". Compare that to how much reading you do.
Are you addicted to the "plug in drug"? Both men and women are highly addicted to this powerful drug. Men will often criticize women for watching TV soap operas or other mindless TV programs, but they are not immune to this drug either. Watching TV sports is the most mindless, time wasting non-activity ever conceived by man.
Watching a group of men high on testosterone running around and throwing a ball and screaming at the TV for hours on end is absurd.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to watch a special game or playoff, but to spend your nights and weekends watching these games is nothing short of being brain dead.
The problem is we have become a nation of "watchers" instead of a nation of "doers". We watch people entertain, play sports and do other activities but we rarely participate in these activities ourselves. It wouldn't be so bad if you wanted to actually PLAY sports and get some exercise, but to watch others do it for hours on end is wasting thousands of hours of your life that could be used to bring you everything you truly desire.
Here is my point. If you don't have the riches you desire in your life, it is a clear indicator of how you are spending your time. I know. You need to relax, your friends are doing it, you need to know the "score", you need to know who is winning American Idol.
Get serious!
Now please don't write to me and argue the point. If you want to do it, then be my guest, but you are "watching" your life away. If you want more money, consider converting the time you watch TV - probably 40 hours or more a week - into a part time business and your income will jump through the roof. And the best part is you will break your addiction to the "plug in drug
Seems like a WIN-WIN-WIN to me!

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