Sunday, July 29, 2012

Divorced after 30 years of marriage - how do I feel? Happy , free, untangled? Makes no difference to me really  as out of the 30 years we may have spent 12 together. What we are is good friends . Always been - we started that way and have ended that way. Never have we been able to reconcile our love with living together. He is logical - I'm creative . He is careful over money and life I am carefree and come what may. One thing we did though was love each other. We really put our vows of "in sickness and in health"  to the test and we both  passed with flying colours .Through all my illnesses he has always been there and his major surgery found me at his side with both of us not knowing that I was about to experience round 2 of colon cancer. One very funny incident happened one day when he went into hospital to have a minor surgical procedure and i went to get him , i was in so much pain that he ended up driving me home to Mobay 120 miles away instead of me driving him to our house in Kingston.
I now realize after working on myself over the years and 2 failed marriages , that its not about them it's about me and not all of us are cut out for marriage - relationships are fine but marriage no - I'm good all by myself . On our 30th anniversary his comment to me when I called to wish him happy anniversary, was ' our relationship is better than most. ' How true that is.


Aiesha said...

Isn't this the truth :)

LM said...

Great story...hopeful ending... that you can still be friends after the breakup of a long relationship.
After being divorced after 25+ years of marriage, and in my mature years, I find that I only have the time and energy to work on "me". I finally am #1 in my life and I share that thought with my adult kids.