I`m so sad because I realize that everyday there is a new sadness in my life...I wonder when will it stop and I have come to the conclusion that as long as people live in this world for themselves it will continue just as how we have reckless drivers on the road,the same way we eat the junk and think it's doing no harm, we cough without covering our mouths and pass the germs in the air, we don`t wash our hands and fix food not only for us but for others.......A friend just told me that her mother who I consider one of the brightest women I`ve ever met, suffers from constipation and yesterday told her that the reason she doesn`t drink water is because she doesn`t like the taste, therefore she has to take laxatives and suppositories to use the bathroom. Now she must know how upsetting this is to her daughter but that is not foremost in her mind , I`m sure if you pinpoint it to her she would feel badly and maybe think about it but she would continue same way as bottom line is, we think of ourselves first.
I see somebody commented on yesterday's blog that we are all ending up at the same place but using different paths to get there so maybe we need to hold our corner and not be our brother's keeper, but that's my problem.
Some of us really don`t know.....we do better when we know better.
So do we ignore those that do know but continue to not care or do we try to be our brother's keepers always trying to help so people can help themselves.....
Another question is because of how we think ....are we drawn to like-minded people? I always thought we are drawn to people we may have known in a previous life. In other words a close friend may have been a sister or mother before and if I walk into a room and my spirit immediately doesn`t take to someone, I always think they were an ex-husband in a past life,but that's for another blog.......
I believe the help path is the right path because if we leave people to their own devices like strewing garbage and ....they will destroy the planet and that's where all of us reside, not only them. Killing themselves is one thing ,I don`t want them to kill me too while I`m fighting to live.
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