As i told you in my previous blog, we cannot wait on the storms to pass we really HAVE to learn to dance in the rain and quickly !
We have to set our priorities and now.....they say cancer stats are going down but to those of us that are in the battle it seems to be going up..... my husband says it's because we are at the age where every one we know is dying anyway.
I ask him what age is that as I`m a young girl !
I spoke to a friend this morning and just as she told me she could not work with her manager, she caught herself and said but what's that ? My friend is dying and I`m talking about not being able to work with someone...what's that ?
Living in the now means being able to catch ourselves quickly, to hear ourselves and know immediately that we are chatting crap so we wheel and turn again mid-sentence.......Life is not only about us, life is about relationships, about caring, about love, about passion, about stopping to smell the roses yes indeed as cliche as it might sound and if what you are smelling is buttercups not roses, it's still what you are smelling, your reality.
You hear about people who die and they died not stopping to tiptoe among the tulips, always pushing, no family life, AND WE ASSUME THEY DIED A SAD AND BROKEN LIFE. Believe me for some of us that is our roses, that's what makes our heart sing, that's our cliche of smelling the roses, our passion, our adrenaline rush.
Some of us really do not want to stop and smell anything we really only want to leave our houses in the dark and go home in the dark. A lot of us if we stopped to enjoy the home we spent so much money for, wouldn`t know what to do there.
The family and the marriage aren`t for us anyway.
The reason we ate badly and had no time for the children is the same reason why we do so well at work.
When we focus we focus.....
I look around at my smoker friends, my friends that only eat processed food, no time to fix anything else or have it fixed although they can more than afford it......their reality, their happiness, their love for life comes from the not stopping, not even caring if roses exists or not.
These are the people who tell you that they are going to die anyway so let them be. I have been wondering what makes one way right and the other way wrong ? Who decides ?
Who are we to tell them to stop and smell the roses if that is not their reality.
They say when people are dying they regret time not spent with family not leaving behind the big mansion and the several cars, but would they have done it differently if they had it to do all over again?
Have you ever tried to stop a smoker smoking?
My father was one who said clearly if he had to stop smoking or drinking to live, he would rather die he did....quickly and efficiently, but what about the grieving wife he left behind who was so wrapped up in him that she lived the rest of her life like a shadow even though she remained a healthy, beautiful woman for over 40 years after my father's death ?
I`m confused today. Which way is up?
reading this made me realize i have always known the answer,but never articulated it to myself or others. you see, life is a journey with an interesting twist.we all have the same ending!!the difference is in the roads we choose. being individuals,our needs wants..etc. are not the same, and so we all see it(life) differently. when we come to understand this truth,we may stop imposing our will on others. of course it's only human to wonder what another road chosen might have led to!
I think the bottom line is that if there was a roadmap we
could follow to live life as it should be - it would be a
best seller - there is no right way or wrong way - we just
have to make sure that we are not so self absorbed that we
just do what makes us happy without thinking about its
effect on others and the world - like the people throwing
garbage out the window while they are driving and those that
eat what they want to without caring about the consequences
but at the end of the day moan and groan about their pains
and expect you to be sympathetic or even care
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