Monday, February 2, 2009

Steele so wrong/Phelps with Bong !!!

Michael Steele was just elected the first African-American chairman of the RNC. Here are five facts about this new leader of the Republican party from Judd Legum:
1. Steele compared stem cell research to Nazi experiments during the Holocaust.
2. Steele bused in homeless African Americans from Philadelphia to distribute literature in inner-city Baltimore that featured a "Sample Democratic Ballot" with votes for Steele and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, along with photos of prominent black Democrats.
3. Steele once described that "R" next to his name as a "scarlet letter," complaining that being a Republican was hurting his electoral chances.
4. Steele was endorsed by Mike Tyson during his run for Senate. When Tyson, who used to be married to Steele's half sister, pleaded no contest to assault in Montgomery County in 1998, Steele was on hand to support him.
5. Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich's decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club's membership's policies were "not an issue" because "I don't play golf."
They had better think again..........the similarity ends at their skin colour .....He can`t hold a candle to BO; plus he wears too many stripes at the same time. He has to wheel and come again.
Speaking of wheeling and coming again.....Michael Phelps WHAT WRONG WID YOU ? YOU HEAD KNOCK ?
YOU can`t be sitting on top of the world and do something like this ? Which sponsor going to have you as a role model now ? It's the time of change, bad behaviour not cute anymore, no matter your complexion. Although feedback on the web shows that a lot of young people find nothing wrong with it,that's even more reason we really need change!
Can u imagine if that was USAIN BOLT ?
Whether young people agreed or not the media furor would have been something else, in fact the Phelps story broke from across the pond in a UK newspaper. I`m sure the Americans would have continued covering it up forever if they could.
'Member mi tell all a you sey........ the black boy head stronger...... watch how the years play out.


JBaird said...

Totally disagree with you about Michael Steele but completely agree with you about health and glyconutrients! They saved my life as well!
Steele is a good man and what you quoted is a misrepresentation of what he actually did.
However, you're right on about the Glyconutrients from Mannatech!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! You are too bad!
3 months suspension? Give me a break!


Anonymous said...

On the question of Steele. Do they think black people are stupid? Should blacks now vote republican because a black conservative is chairman od the RNC? A white man was the chairman of the DNC when BO won the nomination. It is NOT the person. It IS the politics. Are we be thought of as intellectually challenged? We are smarter than that. Come on!