Monday, July 27, 2009


This posting is especially for one of my readers who asked about greens and what I use to make green juice. First of all I`ll tell you why I believe we should all have green juice daily.
For one it makes us have energy, unstoppable energy - by the way I`m speaking of live (raw) greens not cooked greens - I just went to Sumfest (the hottest reggae fest in the world for those who may not know) and I survived leaving the park at 6:30am Sunday, waking at 10 am , going to work and as I write this I haven`t slept yet and its 12:55am Monday morning...this is after working a full day Saturday with no nap.
Lack of sleep is not good but it helps if your body can withstand the onslaught every now and then..the young people flaked all around me but then they were all drinking alcohol, they decided that I`m experienced in "bleaching" and tell you the truth I AM.......even in my unhealthiest times I could bleach..been through many a Sunsplash and Sumfest but that's another story. So read and digest the following facts and recipes from some of my favourite gurus and you will realize how important greens are in creating a strong healthy body and in protecting you from serious disease.
Facts About Greens from Nomi Shannon
* Calorie for calorie dark green leafy vegetables, sea vegetables and algaes have more nutrient density that any other category of foods.
* Research shows that eating green leafy vegetables on a regular basis supports the endocrine system, the immune system and the digestive system.
* People who eat leafy greens on a regular basis are more likely to AVOID osteoporosis, fatigue and adrenal exhaustion than those that don't.
* Greens are high in protein (spinach is 48% protein), iron, zinc, calcium, and other minerals.
* The antioxidant content of greens is higher than in any other category of foods.
* In fact, the only nutrient that greens are deficient in is calories... and that's GOOD NEWS for you if you have a few extra pounds to shed.
* Consuming large quantities of greens may cause a constant state of joy and elicit uncontrollable laughter!

According to FREDERICK PATENAUDE - If you want to achieve radiant health, there is no substitution for having a good understanding of how to use greens in your diet. As the Russian proverb says: New - is something old, that has been long forgotten. I re-discovered green smoothies. What do I mean by green smoothie? Here is one of my favorite recipes: 4 ripe pears, 1 bunch of parsley and 1 big cup of water. Blended well. This smoothie looks very green, but it tastes like fruit.
Green smoothies are very nutritious. I believe that the ratio in them is optimal for human consumption: about 60% - ripe organic fruit mixed with about 40% - organic green vegetables.
Green smoothies, as opposed to juices, are a complete food because they still have fiber.
Green smoothies belong to the most palatable dishes for all humans of all ages. With a ratio of fruits to veggies as 60:40 the fruit taste dominates the flavor, yet at the same time the green vegetables balance out the sweetness of the fruit, adding nice zest to it. Green smoothies are simply the best tasting dishes for the majority of adults and children. I always make extra smoothie and offer it to my friends and customers. Some of them eat a standard American diet. They all finish their big cup of green smoothies with complements. They are quite surprised that something so green could taste so nice and sweet.
By consuming two or three cups of green smoothies daily you will consume enough of greens for the day to nourish your body, and they will be well assimilated. Many people do not consume enough of greens, even those who stay on a raw food diet. The molecule of chlorophyll has only one atom that makes it different from a molecule of human blood.
According to teachings of Dr. Ann Wigmore, to consume chlorophyll is like receiving a healthy blood transfusion.
Victoria Boutenko's "Green for Life" is the Bible for those of you that need to know more about greens.In this book, Victoria, a natural health leader in the raw food world, explains a specific study that she directed to explain the power of changing just one thing in your own diet.She took 40 or so people of all ages who were eating a regular diet (or Standard American Diet) and asked them to only change one simple thing about their daily eating habits.
Each one of them was to replace one meal with a green smoothie.
A green smoothie is a fruit smoothie with leafy greens added to it like spinach or kale (Or whatever else you like!). This gives a significant boost to the mineral content of any fruit smoothie!
The other benefit of a green smoothie is that you can get all those great healthy minerals and phytonutrients into your body and the drink still tastes GOOD !
So after just a few short weeks, something pretty remarkable started to happen.
Some of their symptoms of ill health started to disappear. Some of them started to wake up earlier (and in better moods!), some reported better sexual performance, others (most) said their energy levels skyrocketed, some even had rashes disappear.
All this and more in just a few weeks, just replacing one thing in their diets.
SO AS YOU CAN SEE THERE ARE MANY TAKES ON IT. One thing everybody agrees though is it tastes good and is good for you. Whether you are juicing or making smoothies.......
I make mine with sweet pepper and kale ( if available ) spinach, pak choy (the green leaf not the white part that's where the waste is stored ) any green vegetable, add ginger, add celery, add garlic, add cilantro and parsley, you name it you can add it and use an apple to sweeten or cane juice. My favourite is straight cho cho juice..... there are a variety of juices but the important thing is to do it, not once a week either, you are to have it at least once per day.
So starting today - green-up your diet - your immune system will work as it should , you will look better - long and lean and everything will function better to keep you healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat. That smoothie sure sounds great. I fear that sort of thing though - you know....cho cho juice for eg. I just don't know if it taste ok. Going green though is something I need to start for my own health.