Saturday, July 11, 2009


The exorbitant cost of cancer drugs makes me it really worth it? The choice really boils down to quantity or quality of life. A recent article in the WSJ looks at questions being asked about the Cost-Effectiveness of Cancer Drugs for example after paying US$80,000 per treatment people are asking themselves if it's worth being in debt but still having to walk with a walker and still be in horrific pain.
Most of us don`t think our treatments through, we just succumb to pressure and go along with the fear and scare tactics.....a few like Farrah Fawcett - march to their own beat but without the full picture, so they are fighting but not reaching anywhere.....We hear Ryan O`Neal saying that every time they got rid of 2 tumours from her liver 2 more would pop up - no surprise because she was doing nothing to make her new cells grow back healthy.... remember the coke-a-cola can by the side of her bed?
We bankrupt ourselves, go through tremendous pain, break down our minds and bodies because we just don`t know what to do.
I am listening to them talk abut the Oxycontin that MJ was taking, it seems as if prescription drugs are making us all crazy,just like how they have found out that all these uneccessary tests these doctors are telling us we need,we don`t need ,its the same way we are taking drugs we don`t need,but soon can`t live without.
It just came on the news that MJ would take 10-40 Xanax a night (hearsay,not a fact) it couldn`t be the Xanax we all hear about, if it is, it's a wonder he lasted so long.... remembering my friend who just died.... she was given Oxycontin which she took 4-6 times daily and was told she should take it whenever she needed. When she got them she said she asked the doctor "aren`t these narcotics, should I be taking so much of them?" - his answer was.."IT WON`T MATTER".....Lawd!
Bedside manners very necessary here !!.....but aside from that being a little too blunt, I just think doctors have gone crazy with prescribing...too many of them playing Dr. Feelgood.
We need to stop going for the quick fix and realize that we need to treat ourselves better not by spending big money, but by eating good food and having correct information... that is what helps us have a longer, healthier life.

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