Wednesday, July 8, 2009


My thoughts on being a genius means you get too much of one thing and too little of the other, brain overload on one side of the brain.....hence MJ`S music and creativity on one side and on the other side what we would consider strangeness (you notice geniuses are always people we consider quite mad) although the quote of the memorial service belonged to Al Sharpton "there was nothing strange about your Daddy,it was strange what he had to deal with"...Is it because we just don`t understand? Some people are convinced that MJ's "strangeness" - the masks, the plastic surgeries, the reinventing himself etc. was orchestrated to keep him in the public eye, so he might have truly been a genius on all sides of his brain.
Who but MJ would ask if people invented harps and violins and trombones and pianos how come we can`t invent a new instrument? Makes perfect sense doesnt it?
Who else but MJ wanted to use his body as a guitar or a drum etc......Who else but MJ could think of making his music video into a short film (THRILLER)- a first! Who is going to sell 150 million albums? Britney Spears??? Give me a break!
Who else but MJ would think that since he was Peter Pan and they said he couldn`t have children playing with him all the time,as it was improper, then he would have his own children so he could have permanent playmates....Which other entertainer can dance,sing, choreograph and write music at his level....which other entertainer can dance better than the back up dancers?.....and finally, who else but MJ could decide that since he couldn`t sleep (geniuses rarely do, they can`t turn off their brain) he would use an anesthetic to sleep! An anesthetic! As a sleep aid???????
As someone who has had anesthetic 24 times.....this is just mind-boggling. As he said "It knocks you out like that!" It certainly does and it kills you like that too...Look how many people having surgery in hospital settings do not wake up from anesthetic much less when it's used as an at home drug! I can`t wrap my head around it....
He is the King of pop. Bigger than that says Barry Gordy. In death he is going to make Elvis look like he`s not trying..... his indebtedness is going to go through the window just go on now he holds the top 9 positions of record sales. He knew he could spend and give away money (300-500million given to humanitarian causes without fanfare) as it would all come rolling back, pressed down and multiplied.

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