Monday, August 24, 2009


Recently I have been corresponding with a young lady of 23 battling colon cancer, her e-mails beg for her quality of life to be returned to her as she is feeling awful from her rounds of chemo and she wishes the craziness to stop....just don`t know, we are so brainwashed into thinking that the doctor going to save us with chemo that we don`t realize there is so much we can do to try and help ourselves..... take a simple thing like deodorant.
I used to get the worst swollen lymph nodes under my arms, and I knew it was because the deodorant was too strong and people like me who don`t perspire a lot don`t need an antiperspirant so I started using mild deodorants or I should say natural deodorants but what's the problem? They don`t last like my good old 'Secret' so what's a girl to do especially during summer in Jamaica ? Answer is apply deodorant twice per day.......most of us just not going through that stress but they say aluminium is a cause of Alzheimer's, and heaven knows what else so I`ll take the inconvenience.
Natural deodorants don't last as long as the other stuff but it's good enough, just accept the fact that they don't work as well as the ones you are trying to avoid and wash and re-apply rather than suffering the consequences of using aluminium-based deodorant....But here comes info from Nomi Shannon's news letter (which is fast becoming my Bible ) that is saying we don`t need to reapply. I usually test whatever she says and normally they are spot on....well here are some suggestions from people who responded on her take on deodorants, one even suggested to slice a lemon thinly pat it on and and let dry. I think I would prefer to try Sodium Bicarbonate a.k.a. Baking Soda. Here are some pros and cons of baking soda according to her readers:
* I'm a guy and I only use a dime-sized sprinkle (for both arms) every 2-3 days.
* Very, very safe. Proven safe for decades (centuries?).
* Works instantly and completely. I'm always amazed at the instant
change. I believe that most deodorants are only masking the bacteria
while Bicarbonate must be killing it. Hence, it doesn't wash off in
the shower.
* Easier to slip a small ziplock bag into a backpack or woman's purse
than a deodorant stick.
* Doesn't melt in a hot car.
* Lonnnnng shelf life.
* Very, very low impact on the environment (I think...). There are
mines with nearly inexhaustible supplies, hence the cheap cost.
* If any falls on the carpet it's actually beneficial :-)
* Use it too much or too often and it chaps. Turns your underarms red
and itches like crazy. ONLY use a little bit when you start to smell
yourself and you should be fine.
* I have also used it instead of tooth paste, though I used it too much
and my teeth really got sensitive.
So you see there are other things to try and I like the fact that Nomi gives the pros and cons......
So it's not easy, you have to be creative sometimes but if you have cancer...... all areas in your life need to be cleaned up, we really have no choice, the craziness of feeling sick will stop as I`m here to tell you but it's a rough, rough disciplined life to follow!


Loi said...

I've been using the Naturally Fresh mineral salt crystal for years and have never had any issues. I totally recommend it!

Loi said...

I've been using the Naturally Fresh mineral salt crystal for years and have never had any issues. I totally recommend it!