Thursday, October 29, 2009


When we get the dreaded diagnosis how we react is indicative of if we are going to survive or not....the poor me, woe is me, hugging everybody like you're telling them bye is not going to work.
You have to decide then and there are you in for the long haul or are you ready to check out as trust me some of us are ready- very ready to check out......and some of us are so angry there is nothing we can do to stay around as our mind and soul can`t come back and we do know it's a mind, body and soul thing we can`t have one without the other!
I have been watching people who say they want to live joke with their lives and I`m amazed. How can anything taste bad if it will help you to live a long healthy life? Explain to me how you can have cancer and can`t drink your tea without sugar ?
That has really bothered me because although I will slip - never to sugar but trust me, I slip, I am very cognisant that I have to get back on the path immediately, and even arugula in my green juice becomes delicious .....but to be diagnosed with cancer of the anus and tell me nothing has changed and you are busy having chemo to shrink the tumour and then surgery to take it out makes me when that's all over aren`t the unhealthy cells going to grow back?
Read this article from the New York Times - Cancers Can Vanish Without Treatment, but How? and hope that you are one of the lucky few that your cancer disappears without any form of treatment at all.......

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