My son,Saj, is an Apple genius, which means my household is all things Apple new and old Ipods of all sizes, Ipad, Imac, Mac Pro, Mac Book, Iphones - you name it we have been through it in fact as we speak I'm sure Saj is finding a way to sell his Iphone4 to get his Iphone 4s. He has respected and loved this man in a far different way from me ....I too respect this man's creativity and for giving us a whole new world to communicate and play in, but another reason I have loved and respected him is something far greater...HIS ABILITY TO SURVIVE...he had the # 1 killer in the cancer family and he gave it a ding dong knock out fight ..... no matter how sick he was how thin he looked he was always presenting his newest piece of engineering that we were eager to run off and buy.
In August this year when I heard he had turned over the reigns of APPLE to Tim Cook my stomach went into knots as I knew that would never happen if he was still able to fight and tonight when I saw his face and 1955-2011 on the screen of my Imac the tears flooded freely.........cancer devouring as always no matter how strong we are how much money we have and how long we survive it always wins out in the end...........
my fight has lasted longer but I haven't had pancreatic cancer now have I ? Steve you were simply AMAZING!
My friend,
I read you blog on Steve Jobs and the pain you feel. Pat, you a strong, positive and determined woman. You have charted your path all through life on your own terms. Keep being positive. I don't have any ailment and at time I feel like giving up but I can't. You can't either. I know it is hard. I saw my mother without a breast and I saw her pain. Give up only when you have nothing left to give and on your own terms. I am going to continue to pray for you. I hope you are writing the book. It will keep you busy and focused. Steve Jobs kept busy. He left behind a boat load of patents and a pathway forward for Apple and the world. I am still amazed by him. What a man! I cried too because he gave himself to us and was very humble. He'll live on.
I hope this is not depressing you. I just want you to know that I love you and will be praying that the pain goes away and that the surgery goes well.
I remember you from years ago and there you were on Smile Jamaica this morning looking so very stunning. Your take on Steve Jobs is excellent and I feel it more from you than anyone else's I have seen. I have a facebbok raw group I would love you to join; I have been posting your blog and excerpts all day.
Thank you for your awesome inspiration,
Toni Allen
Steve jobs was less a victim of cancer than a victim of not getting enough fuel, like many people thinking being vegan is only about eating vegetables and leafy greens. This low-cal regimen no doubt in the reason for the avocados.
Hi Pat , it seems that the guinea hen weed is only helpful against cancer from a time . How are you feeling now ?
thanks im feeling good........guinea hen weed must also not be drank as a tea im being informed it has to be taken in powder form as heat kills its nutrients..Point is all these things would have to be taken in mega doses and everything especially life is just for a time!
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