Thursday, March 6, 2008


I work in a hospitality environment. Things like holding a door comes naturally to me. I now watch hotel workers push past guests instead of holding the door for them, and going through after. It's amazing to me.
Every day i preach to my staff SERVICE IS AN ATTITUDE , NOT A DESTINATION, hoping they will get it .Some do, some don`t but i wake up the next day and preach it again.
They say i`m miserable but they also say when they leave me and go elsewhere they hear me. My favourite one is U TAKE YOURSELF WITH U WHERE EVER U GO. They quote that to each other all the time..........So somethings do sink in.
When we are working, do we ask how is what we do making someone`s life better? That's the purpose of work. When the heart is in the right place the ego gets out the way . That's when great service comes in.
Put your signature on the job. We are only remembered for running the extra mile. We are never remembered for just getting by.
Why do people come back to us? It's not because we are friends. It's not because we are cheaper. It's because we gave great service, made them feel special. We did something that no one else does, THAT'S PUTTING OUR SIGNATURE ON THE JOB.
I watch members of staff doing "lick and promise" work racing through to get the tip and then get to someone else quickly to collect another tip. When, if they gave great service to the one in their chair ...not only would the tip be big but the person would come back before they leave , so they would get twice. PLUS we have so many returning guests they would be asking for them when they come back.
We chase money .....We don`t understand that if we work from our passion money must come.
We can`t do anything for anyone without knowing how much we will be paid.....Teamwork is a foreign word to us.....We can help no one only ourselves, we give nothing but expect to get.
In my industry the best thing to give is a smile but u wouldn`t believe how stingy we are with that and that costs us nothing to give.
A simple thing like time when its slow everyone wants to leave early or come in late yet if u ask for an hour extra they want giving to get.......We` re not into quantity or quality.
That old saying that our mothers used to drill into us. IF SOMETHING IS WORTH DOING ITS WORTH DOING WELL still stands.

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