Thursday, March 20, 2008


One thing that i`ve noticed with age I hate to sleep away from my bed..........I love my home, I want no home away from home I want home. The one I go to every evening and climb in my bed.
Been in Dallas Texas for the past week.....yes i`m fine thanks to those who asked what happened to my blog.......i`m back and as they say EVERTHING IN TEXAS IS BIG....what a large strange town is dallas?
Looking on the grassy knoll by where they shot President Kennedy gave me an eerie feeling........i guess i watched it too often on TV.
Now that i can`t eat Black angus steaks anymore, looking on as other people devoured them broke my heart......but one has to do what one has to do.....
Did well this trip ate salads, not good as i can`t have those processed dressings and greens without seasonings are not my thing, drank green tea ,lots of water and sushi........
I went to a Mannatech seminar which is all about wellness and it was great to see how glyconutrients helps from lupus, to cancer and from achey knees to depression........then to make what i just learnt this week a sure shot, I watched The View this morning, and they were talking about a special coming on ABC either tonight or tomorrow night, saying that people have the potential to live to 150 which i told u before on a previous blog, and they show 5 people who are well on the way to that, busy getting on with life. One gave herself a new car for her 100DRETH birthday, guess she is still driving.....One has a 94 year old boyfriend and what all of them have in common is attitude. Passion for life so they keep themselves busy...........
When we eat right,take our supplements, exercise and keep our minds active, whats going to happen to the world? Is it prepared for us to live till 150?
I think not!

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