Sunday, April 6, 2008


Grey is the new black , it looks good on the wall, as a fabulous colour for our clothes and shoes, some people look fantastic with their grey hair ......but not me..........AH well......back to normal. I had promised u i would show u my grey hair but it's gone and i never realized i hadn`t shown u.So here am i before i covered it. This picture was taken easter weekend .... last week it just seemed to get much grayer and while driving from kingston i looked in the rear view mirror and wondered who that old lady was......I drove straight to the pharmacy and bought the colour and this week when i reached mobay i took out the grey.....I immediately looked 20 years younger.
I care not what anyone says, i looked and felt grey........funny enough 2 of my workers came up to me in a quiet manner whispering really and told me that i now look like their boss again. They didn`t like me with grey hair.....
My husband and my friend Katrin are the only 2 to tell me that suddenly i looked my age (and more). Everyone else liked it but although it was easier than the colouring i didn`t like my "look". I felt old.......
Guess i have lots to work on.....
I am once again amazed at how much cancer is around ....every where i go there is someone telling me about someone else.
Last night i heard about someone's mother who had it around her anus actually blocking it off.......
Everone is finally realizing that something has gone wrong with our food.....Have u watched the documentary they have running on CNN about corn.....and the fact that practically everything we eat has corn syrup in it...What does that do to people like me who is not to have corn?
It makes me realize that we have to make the most out of life daily..........Watch This Video and be inspired.....LIFE REALLY IS A CHOICE. NOTICE THE COLOUR OF HER HAIR!


Anonymous said...


you have truly grown up on your blog, including video clips and more. The video was incredible in terms of the dancers and the body to 'bust a move' at her stage in life. I just shows you, all things are possible.

No comment on the color of hair. Some people wear it well, like Della Reese and our friend, Avis. Thanks for the post.

Anonymous said...

What an incredible video! I hurt just watching her! Very inspirational. Regarding the grey hair, girl I agree with you 100%. I think the grey makes me look old. Granted some people look great with grey hair - not me. Remember Bunny Newman? She was completely white at about 30 years old and looked fabulous with her white hair. In the meantime, thank God for Clairol! :)