Wednesday, April 23, 2008


THIS TOO SHALL PASS.....What a powerful statement...I have said it often from i was a teenager till now. Saying it and NOT thinking about the meaning ,saying it AND thinking about the meaning. Now it's just a mantra i use when i need certain things to pass through my life quickly. I have stopped labeling things as sad or bad.
So those words make me realize that everything is only for a time . It centers me......Takes me out of the drama of life.
I have been saying to someone close to me the past few days "don`t get caught up in the drama of life, " knowing they are having a hard time doing so, but in telling them i am telling myself too. When we stay detached we can view what's happening to us instead of being caught up with what's happening......No matter how people will say u are cold you will know that this is the only way to experience the peace that u need to have when things don`t seem as they should . This person tells me they are not caught up in the drama they are "very calm" .No matter how u might seem calm on the outside, u are achieving nothing if your thoughts are spinning out of control on the inside.
We suffer unnecessarily in life .......If we stay detached we lessen the pain.
We have always heard over the years that when people behave badly or quarrel with u it's not usually for the reason they say....and if we feel bad it's not their fault it's us taking it on...... and the only person who can make u feel bad is u. Well those statements are all true. We need to enjoy life without giving too much importance to things that have none.
We need to stop THINKING so much and BE more.
I have never been able to have quiet time successfully .......I need to enjoy the sound of silence, BUT THAT HAS NEVER BEEN POSSIBLE FOR ME......... There always has to be background music, or the sound of a TV. It is very hard for me to meditate as the constant chatter in my mind doesn`t stop.
My holistic practitioner says that those of us in commerce have too much internal dialogue.....Well as i`m writing this there is no TV on, no ipod playing, only the birds singing and cars whizzing by, and i realized this morning by not labeling the cars as noise, they make a really nice sound not much different from a wave rolling in.

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