Monday, April 21, 2008


Why can`t love last? The answer is true love is very rare.
Is it because what we do is called "falling in love" which Eckhart Tolle says is "in most cases an intensification of EGOIC wanting and needing. You become addicted to another person , or rather to your image of that person ...... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUE LOVE WHICH CONTAINS NO WANTING WHATSOEVER".
We go into these relationships with the best intentions in the world and they can`t me if the marriage cannot last the love should......but most of us get married when we are " in love ". When the passion is talking ,so we hold our perception of the person as THE person , so when the real person appears with their "pain-bodies" in tow, the "love" flies through the window.
During the most painful time, the separating, when it hits us that the relationship as we know it will end, we immediately get into the victim role. If no love is there then we didn`t have it in the first place. As that's the time love will rise up and take us through.
When one's relationship changes , where does love go? Isn`t it the same person we stood up and said in front of God and man that we would love for the rest of our lives......And when we are about to change that commitment shouldn`t we give it a good amount of time and let the dust settle? Or do we just rush in and out enjoying the drama of the moment . No matter how we say we don`t want it we are so into the drama and the attention.
We get caught up into the wedding instead of the marriage and we get caught up in the "he said, she said" at the end.
Life comes at us in cycles, it ebbs and flows.
When we are AWARE , we will be able to SEE what is really happening,and we will be able to see the reality of the situation instead of our perception of the situation.
With age has come what my staff calls mellowing they say i have mellowed. What they are feeling is me becoming aware that i am playing many roles in life and the role i play as their boss i had totally identified with. I now realize its not authentic so i`m trying to recognize the fact that i`m playing to who i think they are and not who they really are. Just as how husband, wife, mother, father is MAJOR ROLE PLAYING.
"Authentic human interactions become impossible when you lose yourself in a role".


Anonymous said...

good post

Anonymous said...

I loved this entry ... I should be getting the New Earth Book in a few days ... and I look forward to reading ...
