Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have to muse u believe that while America is taking apart Governor Spitzer and his PERSONAL life America is having a major meltdown, in the words of Alan Greenspan "this is the worst financial crisis since world war1".
Look at the BEAR STEARNS debacle while president Bush doing his soft shoe .
Do we remember while Nero fiddled Rome burnt?
Now they have taken on the new Governor and his wife, but they just laid it out on the table one time, YES, they have had affairs so let's move on..........
Its not funny any more. They killing themselves with Rev. Wright while people are losing their houses right left and center and the government bailing out the big boys. Don`t u just love it? They really care for their people don`t they?
Do u know that the people from New Orleans are still displaced and the last thing now is their trailers are not safe...... I think they have been found to be filled with formaldehyde or some such thing....... Its too much....
Now race is the name of the game. Well its good for Obama to get it out of the way as it would follow him straight till November, now its everybody`s business not just his..............
I must say he can talk,reminds me of Michael Manley.
I once stood for 7 hours at the stadium listening to him and believe me it wasn`t boring...He had Jamaica in the palm of his hands but he did let us go didn`t he?

U know i`m learning a lot about ego.......I thought we needed to be rid of ego, but u just need to be aware of it "awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment" - Eckhard Tolle - "A new earth".
Its been amazing, this lesson, and being aware of when u r messing up is just wonderful as u can catch yourself and be better.
This book has also been answering all kind of questions like why do people lie and pretend they are what they are not?
Why do we constantly need so much attention? We start that act from we r babies crying and behaving badly to get attention........I`ve been having one "aha" moment after another........I remember all my manipulations.........
People tell me they are shy therefore they don`t have an ego...Well guess what? they do.....They believe they are inadequate so they try and not put themselves in situations where they can be whether u think u are wonderful or u think u are not good enough, its ego........And playing the victim, well u know all about that..........So stop complaining, be in the present, stop going back to the past and don`t bother put yourself in the future. If u do that u cannot enjoy the present and we need to do just that.........Be here 100%.

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