Thursday, October 9, 2008


I am so tired of watching people being sick, sick, sick and not realizing it's their diet...One of my work colleagues is so sick and he doesn`t realize the 1 pound of bacon he eats EVERY MORNING OF LIFE IS WHAT IS KILLING HIM. You see it in his face, full of oil and blackheads. You see it in the fact that he is having excruciating back pain..I wish he would believe and just give eating properly and coming off all that cured meat, give health, a chance ....I watched Dr. Sheyrl Chung (a Jamaican food scientist who just happens to be the wife of Earl Chung who cured himself of cancer 14 years ago using food) this morning on TV and she was so full of life and the 2 girls interviewing her, who were more than half her age, were looking at her in amazement.
They told her that nothing that's good for u tastes good....I beg to differ.......Just as how she begged to differ.
We need to get over the thought that the bland vegetable eating that most vegetarians do with pumpkin and yam and some callaloo cooked down together with maybe a boil plantain and 2 pieces of chocho is healthy eating..first of all not everything that's good for U is good for ME..and there is a scientific way to eat from your fruit in the morning to your meal at night, and white cabbage and iceberg lettuce are not greens by any stretch of the imagination but u can mix it in your greens with things like spinach and pak choy(the green part please not the white) but do not eat it by itself and say u have eaten greens........
Dr.Chung told us about not using sugar instead using cane juice to sweeten. She also spoke about using coconut oil not the processed one with emulsifiers in it, rather we are to use the extra virgin cold-pressed coconut oil.....she talked about how it helps all viruses especially the number 1 big boy was so interesting and informative.
U always hear the food scientists talking about the pie chart that we should eat 50% green, 35% yellow and 15% red.....not only go for colours, go for raw too, u will be amazed how different u will feel and how all the diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure etc. will clear up.It's not as hard as u think and NEVER be without cayenne pepper, a kick of health i like to call it. For more information on foods that are good for your body, check out God's Pharmacy

You also shouldn't be so depressed over the state of the world as remember where u are is perfectly fine. See what is happening as only good, those people who begged $85m to bail them out and when they got it, went to a US$1000 per night hotel to have a retreat and had US$25,000 spa treatments have nothing to do with u. That is just showing u why the world is in the pickle it is in now and what is happening is all good as the world realigns itself. Life does have a way of catching up with you, leave them to it, just concentrate on YOU and KNOW that ALL IS WELL.
Mind, body and soul!

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