Friday, October 3, 2008

'U BETCHA' wink,wink,

I told u everyone was waiting on the vice presidential debate....70 million of us tuned in, largest viewership for a presidential debate ever.
Did someone mispronounce NUCLEAR??????( oh no not again)
Was it someone who is from the republican party? ( oh no not again)
Who is in the team that just pulled out of Michigan and on finding out (after-the-fact) has offered to let herself and her husband go there to take it back ?
Who said the 'talibani' in an interview ?
Who gave a shout out to 3rd graders during the debate ?
Who has a voice that is like nails grating on a chalk board ?
Pat Buchanan said she wiped the floors with Biden.... I wonder what channel he was watching ?
We wait with bated breath for Tina Fey to give her take on wiping floors on the next SNL.
Rollins the CNN talking head, said Palin is a shoo-in for 2012......... For what post may i ask ? Has America gone that crazy ? Lets hope they are just biased as they are Republicans.
'BACK ATCH YA' wink,wink..If that is a vice president...... Dan Quayle u looking good!
I have Jamaican friends that are American citizens that have voted already and are very worried as they said their vote was placed in an envelope and placed where???IN THE GARBAGE ?? They didn`t see where it went. They are very, very worried.
Well i say, if enough people come out and vote no matter how hard they try to steal it, it won`t work....Jamaica 1980......

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