Wednesday, October 1, 2008

30 days raw sent diabetes packing

Back to what this blog is all about - eating properly to have a good quality of life. Have u seen the feature on CNN about Angela Stokes losing more than half of herself after going on a raw vegan diet ? Then there was an experiment done with 6 diabetics. They were put on raw food for 30 days at The Tree of Life in Arizona and a year and a half later still no sign of diabetes (click here to watch the movie - Simply Raw ) ...One of the women even said she wants doctors to know about it and went to her doctor who congratulated her on how she looked but instead of saying he would put what she did into practice he said he wished he could move his patients to Arizona........Guess the drug companies' pull is still too strong.
Now and always if u don`t have a MD behind your name no one wants to listen to u.....
Sometimes you need to go with your gut (no pun intended). I watch people just following their doctors blindly asking no questions, hello it's your life....U are going to die and leave your doctor right here....Listen and watch....there is another way..Try it!
Remember doctors treat symptoms not root causes....Yes when u reach the ER they are the ones to help u, but why did u reach the ER? Taking blood pressure, diabetes and sinus drugs for the rest of your life is not helping the problem it's just covering up the problem.
If u ate raw for 30 days and got healed....why not try that before going on drugs ?
U mean eating vegetables and fruit instead of hamburgers and bacon is that hard ?

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