Monday, October 6, 2008


I have been so pleased with Katie Couric getting her ratings up with those sensational interviews with Madame Palin. Well Palin said on Fox news that Katie annoyed her...The lady says Katie set her up royally she was damned if she did damned if she didn`t...Really Ms.Palin u can`t answer a simple question like naming another supreme court case besides Roe vs Wade just like how u answered no questions asked in the debate and then u do the blame game...come on !!
She said very early on in the debate that she would not be answering the questions how the moderator or Biden expected them to be answered she will be talking to the people...Sarah we the people KNOW u don`t have the answers.....In fact notice the network she went on after the debate to SPIN STRAW INTO GOLD LIKE RUMPELSTILTSKIN.....FOX of course.
Just hearing her mispronounce the word NUCLEAR was enough for me. Too much of 'no one home' we can`t take it for another 4 years.
'There u go Joe pointing backwards gone it'..... wow! PALINISMS I THINK IT'S CALLED...or as Maureen Dowd so aptly put it today in her column , "Sarah's Pompon Palaver" ....And u were wondering why she went to so many colleges weren`t you ? Hope your questions have been answered.
'Dog gone it' if u Mrs Palin are a heart attack away from the Presidency of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA......that thought alone should make McCain lose the election.
Biden was so gracious to this nut, even when he knew she was mispronouncing names , he didn`t point it out. He just smiled.......
Then question - does Tina Fey make your Saturday nights or what? Thank u Tina. In Jamaica we say we 'tek bad tings mek laugh'. Do u notice she doesn`t need to write the material she just takes it straight from the lady herself. As in last night's SNL sketch of the Palin/Biden debate
Another thing i get from Ms. Palin besides her being great fodder for comedy is she wants to be president in 2012 and if she has to throw John McCain to the wolves to do that SO BE IT!

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