Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well all the talking heads have had their say and getting ready for Thursday's debate.....I notice although they said they think both Obama and McCain did well in the debate no one was as upset as my little group during the debate when Obama kept saying 'I agree with John' we were all fit to be tied and it wasn`t until the debate was over and he rushed from behind his podium with his arm outstretched and said 'good job John ' did I realize that's just who he is.....The measure of the man is that he really is as nice as he seems to be and he really does not want to fight with anybody-by the way he,his wife and their two girls would make great role models for America at this time,no matter what the complexion!
His calm exterior really goes to his core, but as some of the talking heads have said instead of it making him look weak it made him look as if he really wanted to be bipartisan....
After Lehrer told them to talk to each other , u noticed Obama spoke directly to McCain while McCain looked down at his notes or at Lehrer....I guess u can`t teach an old dog new tricks.
Then speaking of old dogs am I the only one noticing what the 42nd President has become ? Is this really my boy who I have loved for years and was on his side no matter what anybody was saying about him ? COULDN`T BE!
How can one be so petty?
He was just on MEET THE PRESS saying how he doesn`t really know Barack and talking about how long he has known McCain who is a hero ....while his wife is campaigning for Barack this man is all about bigging up McCain ! Is it that he fears the REAL
1st black president will eclipse him as he knows that Barack is just as smart or maybe even smarter than he is ?
Come on now ! You must can be bigger than that Mr. William Jefferson Clinton !! Check out this hilarious skit from SNL last night
I know u are still fuming that this "little upstart" messed up YOUR bid to be in the White House again but be magnanimous about it.......

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