Saturday, September 27, 2008


Imagine Spike Lee smiling and saying history in the making. Wasn`t Spike always said to be an angry young man ?
He`s older and not so angry now.
He`s anxiously looking forward to history being made in November so he smiles. He also got to see a black man in a presidential debate, he must have smiled all night.
Earlier in the day Regis and Kelly interviewed Richard Gere.....interview over he jumps off his chair and with coffee in one hand starts flailing his other arm in the air over his head shouting OBAMA at the top of his lungs.
U could see the shock on the faces of Regis and Kelly.........But that's what this election is causing. Strange actions from regular people. As all celebrities are regular people.......I can never understand people treating other people as something special when all they did was make a movie ...MANDELA IS A SPECIAL PERSON, someone to hold in high esteem. RICHARD GERE is just like u and me, he acts, I do hair........All of us are good at something when last did we check ?
So what did u think about the debate? This one i wasn`t excited about. PALIN/BIDEN....I CAN`T WAIT!
All the hoopla about McCain not coming i didn`t take on as MISSISSIPPI would have been the last place for him not to show up as that's the old south...'manners maketh the man ' . Don`t let them issue an invitation to u and u don`t show up........they wouldn`t have taken kindly to that at all.
We all know that Obama stutters as u see him thinking as he talks when u ask him a question........but I thought he held his own as debating is not his strong suit.
Good jokes snuck in "i have a bracelet too' was one, the other which i don`t think was intended as a joke but came across as one was when McCain said that his pick for vice president 'was a good maverick too'.
Number one insult was Obama reminding McCain about him singing a song about bombing IRAN.
The differences were stark after Lehrer kept pressing McCain on whether he would make any major changes to his priorities as a result of the financial bailout and McCain finally responded saying that he would have a spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs. Obama came back quickly with " the problem with a spending freeze is you're using a hatchet where you need a scalpel ".
McCain keeps saying there are going to be more wars, every time he talks that's all u hear and see from his demeanor, and that's what i get more than anything else,
McCain + presidency = WAR,WAR and more WAR!
And war is not what America needs at this time as China is here - tainted milk and all!

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