Friday, September 12, 2008


Guess what? If I had a weak heart,i`d be quite dead right now-WHY?
I came to New Jersey to visit my eldest son who turned 31 years old on Monday the 8th,well all i know is NOW I REALLY HAVE TO HOLD BARACK OBAMA IN CONCIOUSNESS........ And repeat my PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA MANTRA EVEN MORE !
Everybody is asking how can he be behind ? Well i saw first hand why.
Most white women are now voting for Sarah Palin, not John McCain ,they are voting for Sarah Palin.....they LOVE her. They think she is feisty and spunky and just great..........And u do know how many white women there are so Obama is in trouble...They have forgotten all about Hilary, it's like she ceased to exist......I struck up a conversation with one of Obama`s campaigners on the street as i was telling her she needs to go where they are weak and why would they be on the streets of New Jersey ? She awakened my darkness by informing me that since Mrs. Palin has been on the ticket Obama is weak everywhere except California and New York. She said New Jersey was dropping minutely and judging by the interviews i see them doing on the TV news in New Jersey.......ITS ALL TRUE!
All i have to say IS if they thought Bush was bad , wait until they get these two......They don`t even agree on the same things,e.g. she is against embryonic stem cell research and he is for it.... They finally succumbed and she sat down for an interview with Charlie Gibson ( the counter I told you about in my last blog has therefore been removed ) Did u see the interview ? She would go to war if Russia invades Georgia? GET REAL WITH WHAT ARMY AND AGAINST WHO...PUTIN??????? This woman is like me running for president NOT A CLUE may the young people save us ...........It's like watching Gore and Bush all over again.........The idiots take over and the sensible people are left behind.
America u will get what u deserve, and more. U can take back leadership of the free world or u can join me in welcoming the new kid on the block - CHINA ......U ANNOUNCED YOUR ARRIVAL, WELCOME!

1 comment:

LanaB said...

Amen!! Give it two more weeks before panicking. She has to face the press and they cannot coach her on everything. Man, I miss Tim Russet.