Friday, September 5, 2008


Well guess what the hypocrites are really coming home to roost.........The RNC certainly forgot that just a few weeks ago the same things they found NEGATIVE about Obama are what they are saying is so WONDERFUL about Sarah Palin right now.....if it wasn`t serious i would laugh, but then Jon Stewart did make me laugh about it...
Did the DNC have all these demonstrators and i missed them? There were over 300 demonstrators outside the RNC and a few of them got in .....where was the security ? Then did u see when they put up as the background picture during the speech the Walter Reed High School in California, instead of the WALTER REED HOSPITAL..... If they can`t get that right how are they going to run the country ?
Three people e-mailed me last night saying how bored they were during the speech . No one e-mailed me during Palin`s speech and no one during Obama's...says a lot!
Jeff Toobin said in no uncertain terms how totally boring and themeless it was and Anderson Cooper wondered aloud if all the speech writers went to Sarah Palin`s hotel and had no time for McCain.....It was truly sad.
Where were Colin Powell, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Condoleezza Rice and Dick Cheney ? How come no big names not even Bush - who used the hurricane as an excuse - came to the convention?
What happened to the musicians.....couldn`t they pull a big name or two?
The place wasn`t full, everything seemed lack-lustre aside from Mrs. McCain's jewelry and wardrobe (her hair last night spoilt the look though.) Palin is back to her dowdy self . I`m glad people love her glasses, i think it just adds to her total nondescript look.
This election means a lot to us non-Americans as stem cell research and global warming are 2 that affect us in the Caribbean right off the bat....Is anyone noticing these crazy hurricanes?
I`m going to get back on track, back to my usual themes for my next blog but i just want u to know - something doesn`t ring true to me. How can these two men be running neck and neck ? I feel it's going to be an overwhelming landslide for Obama....I know it's more of them than us but we weren`t even at the RNC convention.....A friend told me she saw three black people, i saw one......So the voters are all in hiding and going to come out of the woodwork in November to give them the victory?
I know they (the Republicans) know how to campaign i saw that with Kerry, but i can`t believe people are buying into this fiasco!
Eight weeks are left they say Mrs. Palin is more popular than Obama and McCain....I think just like how all of us watched her speech, everyone is caught up trying to find out the latest thing on her.........LET'S SEE IF IT LASTS.
All i have to say is Americans got it very wrong with George Bush, they must have learnt their lesson, if not they will get what they deserve, we always get what we put out to the universe.............
I may be wrong but i think the universe is giving America the black man, his fabulous wife and two bright little girls, they are the ones that will be standing in the cold in Washington come January!

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