Tuesday, September 23, 2008


As i watch BBC World.......my stomach is in knots...........an Ethiopian man just said he has to leave to go and look work for food and if he finds work so he can buy food he will come back if he doesn`t he won`t come back so his children will just die of hunger.....This is 2008, people are sitting all over the world with millions in banks(that are failing by the day)........some are living in 40,000 sq. ft. houses maybe a husband, wife and 2 children. They have at least 3 cars outside, and here is a man that can`t feed his 2 little children and saying that a bag of grain is too expensive when in other parts of the world they are eating so much it's killing them..........
But that's Africa.
Come back to the USA, there is a man with his little children being kicked from motel to motel because he has nowhere to stay .....Why ?
They are evacuees from the storm in Texas...........nowhere to go....house gone...What's his complexion?..Black . I`m not saying white people have not been displaced by the hurricane but they showed the black family. I HAVE NEWS FOR THEM, BLACK OR WHITE, AMERICA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Lots more of this to come.
In the programme they showed a woman in Wales that they gave cash to , to prevent her children from starving and the announcer wondered aloud why it can`t happen in Africa?
Let me answer u sir........THEY ARE BLACK.....THEY ARE EXPENDABLE....WHETHER THEY ARE IN AFRICA OR AMERICA.......NO ONE CARES....Now that America is a third world country will things change?
Katrina people have not yet returned to normal , Texas has now joined them.
America is falling apart state by state........have they built back those bridges that came toppling down?
No things are not changing anytime soon.
Maybe all that money being wasted on ads for the Presidential campaign could go to do other things....what do u think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, on Thursday night my 14 year old son asked. "Mom, is American a Third World country now? They had discussions in school, he reads and had concerns about his bank, WaMu. I tend to draw on the fall of the Roman Empire and the technological advancement of China displayed during the opening and Closing ceremonies of the Olympics. Visit Ancient Rome and see for yourselves how advanced and powerful that Empire was then thing about the US anhe respect it hd had. Listen to current world leaders......