Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Portia/Palin connection

Jamaica now has a party that should be in power for another 18 years...We have no opposition party. The PNP is now behaving like the JLP in the nineties. Our Sarah Palin has won party leader again and as she said with much gusto and her special flair for mispronunciation 'I have SHUTTERED the glass ceiling' which turns out to be the truth as no other woman in the PNP will be able to even see the glass ceiling while she's party leader...........That says it all........The word is "SHATTERED" Portia and that ceiling was shattered long ago.....Now pay attention to what is happening in the world and stop the hysterics. The challenge to your leadership has nothing to do with where u are coming from......lots of grass roots people turn leaders but they do their homework.
Hugging and kissing are not leadership skills. Yes you are compassionate but you cannot go hugging and kissing yourself throughout Europe and the rest of the world ask George Bush...
PNP, i want to tell u popularity doesn`t give u skills to govern......and saying Portia has a PHD (Portia Has Delegates) does not mean she can lead a country.
Lets not continue to feed people with this story of the masses being suppressed by the upper classes , unschooled and unskilled grass roots people cannot rise up out of their situation and govern themselves.....we all need brighter than us to lead us and teach us. That's how we better ourselves . That's what takes us out of the ghetto. As Bob Marley said we need to liberate ourselves from mental slavery .
Meanwhile the real Sarah Palin continues to astonish well-thinking Americans with her own limited grasp of the English Language as reported in this extract from an article in the Washington Post "Palin has an odd tendency to use the same word twice in a sentence, as in, “The people of American realize that inherently all political power is inherent in the people,” or, about John McCain, “He can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.” Or, combining word repetition with another Palin verbal tic, word dropping, this about the economic meltdown: “Well, you know, first Fannie and Freddie, different because quasi-government agencies there where government had to step in because the adverse impact all across our nation, especially with homeowners, is just too impacting.”



Anonymous said...

"A" studnet black man - manager of Burger King,.
"C" student white man - president of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Palin's interview with Katie Couric? No wonder McCain is trying to keep her from the media. I can't wait for her and Biden and that debate. Meanwhile, I'm praying for you all in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

She is an "eediat" like moron #1 & #2. I thought that English was a required subject in most colleges. She must have been absent the entire semester.