Friday, September 26, 2008


America has gone berserk....the President seems to be losing his mind..he looks pale and not even speech writers are helping. On AC 360 last night one of the guests said Bush is a functioning MORON.... another guest said that during Bush's speech yesterday "no one was home" everyone is finally realizing what thinking people knew all along because no one has been home for 8 years. America has gotten what they deserve for voting in a MORON....It always catches up with u one way or another. U cannot steal an election and don`t pay the piper.....What do u know about bad karma Mr. Bush ? U thought u had gotten away didn`t you ?
A friend says as she watches TV she sees the "rightwing scam unraveling" and "the hand of GOD" at work....She says she hopes God doesn`t come down "too hard on America" as Jamaicans have their families there too ......
For years America has been building up their bad karma......the treatment of people in the aftermath of Katrina alone, when that goes out into the universe do we really think someone is not going to pay for it ? Do we really believe because they were black , payback not coming BIG TIME..........
We can pretend that life goes on as usual but IT DOES NOT ! And all the news coverage of Britney shaving her head and showing her crotch won`t change that. Even Paris Hilton has decided to show she has sense..Now is not the time to be stupid.....America for too long has concentrated on crap. How can a whole country be focused on the comings and goings of trailer park trash ?
The reality series of BRITNEY and KEVIN and then WHITNEY and BOBBY....come on ? Lest we forget, how about ANNA NICOLE ?
How many of u watched the Oprah show where she went to Mississippi and found people who didn`t have running water . YES America! not Jamaica!
We in Jamaica were amazed when one of America's 'IT GIRLS' Jessica Simpson, thought CHICKEN OF THE SEA (TUNA) WAS REALLY CHICKEN....No wonder Nick ran for his life......Americans thought she was so cute and funny, so they made her a multi- millionaire by buying her hairpieces and shoes. What is cute about a moron?
Sam Harris says it perfectly in his article in Newsweek on Sept 20th...America has a love affair with mediocrity .....We in Jamaica do too.... We all need to check ourselves and our value systems .
The Palin/ Katie Couric interview (good for u Katie, ratings at last!) exposed what we always suspected about Palin , she actually makes Portia sound like a rocket scientist ............Palin is a moron but crass with it so she`s worse.....We all know now why they locked her away from reporters and maybe they should have left it that way and not let her out and let us speculate that she`s a fool but now we all KNOW that she is indeed a fool......
This meltdown that McCain has stopped his campaign claiming he needs to take charge of - as Obama says - shouldn`t a President be able to multitask ? Couldn`t Palin and Biden carry on campaigning for them if they seriously needed to leave the campaign trail to attend to urgent matters in the Senate ?
Then there are the people in foreclosure asking how come they got no help ? The bailout is almost the amount spent on the Iraq war so far.....People , America is in such deep DOODO.....Jamaica are u noticing that over-priced houses find the right price one day ? Our over-inflated market with those J$40 million 2 bedrooms no matter where they are located has to stop.....Remember when America sneezes we catch cold...We are a paradise now in comparison...Take the lessons..........No one needs to stand in long lines to migrate to America anymore. Stay and build your own country!
This morning the news said that 40 ministers of religion will be endorsing McCain from the pulpit this Sunday......They will be going against the law as if u do not pay taxes u cannot play politics......desperate times need desperate measures i guess.... McCain trying to get help whereever he can.
I hope we all know that if no debate takes place tonight then they will have to do it the night chosen for the vice presidential debate, therefore there will be no time for the vice presidential few free evenings are left between now and the elections. They are going all out in their fight to win by any means possible and to keep Palin from debating Biden, but i don`t think i`m the only one watching........
America u have a choice now between a CLASS ACT, a man who is calm and level- headed in a crisis, and a man that panics at the drop of a hat and who chose a running mate who thinks that if 'PUTIN rears his head ' SHE WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE HER GUN AND SHOOT HIM.....
Those who won`t vote for Obama because he`s black .......Look at it this way, his skin tone is why he`s so handsome.

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