Sunday, September 7, 2008


This woman was born deaf and blind and that's a quote from her so to all u whiners out there WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR ?
It's so difficult to live in a world of whiners and naysayers,especially in these times when it's all gas prices and depressed housing markets, Jamaica's housing market is not depressed, why get caught up in the USA and their DEPRESSION ?
Why do they not see it as this is not the time to sell. Or maybe u put yourself in over your head, or maybe we should drive less or carpool.....We just whine and depress ourselves, but then u look outside and see that while we are depressing ourselves nature is giving us more oxygen to breathe as here in Jamaica, Gustav just cleaned every leaf on every tree....The annual bushing has taken place , we have fabulous views again, yes people lost lives and houses, but were they houses that could stand up to any kind of strong wind and rain ? And to those concrete houses that washed away, what were they built on? Sand by the river bank! I hear they were built 100 feet in, but time and erosion brought the houses closer and closer to the edge, other houses went and now here comes yours, what did u expect?
As we write this Haiti and Turks and Caicos are being washed off the map by Ike..... Will Florida or Louisiana survive this crazy weather? In fact how will Jamaica do ? We didn`t get a direct hit the last time and did so badly !
Both McCain and Palin don`t believe there is anything called global warming, so if they win a lot more islands will be wiped off the map.
Palin is enjoying her great adventure .....look at the bottom of this page to see counting down how long she is going to take to talk to the media. Enjoy the absurdity of this .........A hockey mom that might have a chance to pull the lever on a nuclear weapon ? Who would have thunk it? People scared of the black man might just make that a real possibility. A friend just sent me this article saying that RACE MAY BE A MAJOR FACTOR IF OBAMA LOSES IN NOVEMBER .
Well i`m begging u all to have faith........ we know that RACE is the elephant in the room but MIRACLES happen every day and i`m depending on the young people this year as i know they want the great adventure or nothing at all, and the greater adventure is with the sensible team, black man and all, than the old man who showed that by making Palin his running mate he is not much different than Bush, they act first, then think after........I know the young people are going to make this MIRACLE a REALITY!

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