Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Big scandal in the raw food world - Paul Nison has gone back to eating some cooked food...mark you he didn`t say he has gone back to eating steak and pork loins but the raw food world is aflutter or should i say atwitter, as he is a big motivator and author.... I believe moderation in all things ...when you are ill, raw food gets you healthy in quick time but I think for maintenance 80% raw is the way to go. Not 80% raw and 20% junk but 80% raw and 20% healthy food.......I have a friend who has been raw for 8 years he drinks 11 coconuts one go, and tells me that's a meal - sorry sir, something not balanced there !!

I think Reverend George Malkmus has the right idea....check out what he had to say on The Renegade Health Show about The 100% Raw Diet and Colon Cancer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moderation is always a good thing. The fact that the RAW FOOD guru has had a change of mind or at least taken a detour shows us that each person must know why they do what they do. RAW Food eaters will continue to do what they do because of the results they get. If on the other hand, they were eating RAW because a guru said they should, they may have issues. I eat 'intuitively'. That is, certain foods call to me. I am drinking water as I read your blog on the need to drink water. I love bananas and chuckled as I read your blog on bananas. Life is so simple when you follow your inner voice and heed its messages. Keep up the good work you are doing, Pat.