Tuesday, March 16, 2010


A friend of mine keeps telling me she is tired of reading what not to eat she wants to know what can she eat?? I thought I had already written about that in my blogs in so many ways, so many times.....
She keeps telling me about her granny who lived to a ripe old age in the country parts of Jamaica and ate yam and chicken etc etc...she is just emphasizing my point. Her granny wasn`t eating processed foods, she grew her chickens, they weren`t being pumped with antibiotics so that they reach fruition in 49 days instead of 70, she went to her land and dug her yam, her plantains and bananas came off her trees.......Her granny wasn't eating a bag of Doritos and dinner from KFC, she never had Pepsi, her lemonade had lots of lime to balance the acidity of the sugar as I can imagine she wasn`t having white sugar either, that sugar must have been brown till it's black.....our grandparents and us are eating two different foods and having two different results.
We can eat all the "junk" food in the world if we make it ourselves......by that I mean if you are a healthy person take the time to do your own fries, your own burgers, buy chicken that's not grown on antibiotics to make their breasts bigger, in Jamaica that means "scratch fowl" chickens that grow in the yard (Americans would call them organic). Eat lean meats and fresh fruit and vegetable that you have soaked or washed properly if you didn`t grow them yourself and they are not organic...I just got a bag of grapefruit and a bag of ortaniques from a the farmer who told me the trees weren't sprayed.....know what you are putting in your food, season from your herb garden not from bottles with chemicals as added ingredients, let no corporation cook for you.....I see they have found salmonella in black pepper....I learnt from my Raw Food teachers after my most recent bout with cancer in 2006 that black pepper musn't be eaten, cayenne pepper is the healthy pepper. And if you are like me and have a compromised immune system whether from cancer, the treatment of cancer or any other disease......eat plant food,80% raw!
We are suffering because it all boils down to convenience......We need to spend more on food and less on health-care......and we really need to watch the documentary FOOD INC.

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