Friday, March 12, 2010


This little tip from didn`t make my day as I’m a born Indian food addict. Dhal and roti must be, as far as I’m concerned, the foods of the gods..........well when I read things like this I understand why I’m in my present there anything I truly love that’s good for me?
Well, Indian food tastes amazing, but for yoga and flexibility, it's death!
The Indian diet consists mainly of wheat, rice,and dairy - three of the most mucus-forming foods known to man (think of mucus like glue smeared throughout your body).
Lots of Mucus = Lots of Stiffness
So why do yoga teachers always recommend that you drink milk, eat yogurt, and suck down spoonfuls of ghee every day?
Probably because they've never tried giving it up!
Here's a quick tip: give up dairy for 1 week and see how much more flexible you feel. Most people notice a HUGE difference within 3 days (I'm talking night-and-day difference)
Mucus sucks! That's the straight story. Give up dairy, go deeper in your backbends, and your sinuses will be so clear, you won't believe it.
After 1 week, if you just can't go another day without Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, well then at least you'll know why your hamstrings are so stiff when you wake up the next day

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