Friday, March 19, 2010


Please watch Jamie Oliver (he's the chef that is changing how children in England eat) 'Food Revolution' premiering on March 26th on ABC.....there will be a sneak preview at 10pm on Sunday night (ABC). It might be the most important food show you have ever watched ....I love the clip of a man saying "I can`t eat lettuce leaves all day" - nobody is asking you to do that sir!
I really also want to give thanks as I tend to take my health for granted and I have come to realize in a big way how much if you don`t have health you have NOTHING........
I left my house and drove the 120 miles to Kingston on Sunday afternoon to see the Beres Hammond show where I danced from 7pm till 12am as the music in between acts was oldies so my kinda music, went to stay with a friend in Kingston and we chatted till about 1:30 am - woke at 4am and drove back to Montego Bay reaching at 7am as I had a function at 8:15am.....went to my bed at 10pm after being at work all day ........
Father I give you thanks as I know many a person young or old could not have done that and don`t mash up and truly I felt no way, just went to sleep like a baby when I hit the sack on Monday it the food and the supplements???
YES.....and the Spirit.....
Thank you Father!

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