Rather than put your health in the hands of cancer researchers willing to do just about anything to discover the next cancer drug breakthrough, take control of your health by following the cancer-preventive lifestyle changes:
Avoid Fructose and Sugar
It's quite clear that if you want to avoid cancer, or are currently undergoing cancer treatment, you absolutely MUST avoid all forms of sugar -- especially fructose -- and this is largely due to its relation to insulin resistance. According to Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are "driven by either mutations or environmental factors that work to enhance or mimic the effect of insulin on the incipient tumor cells," Gary Taubes reports.
Some cancer centers, such as the Cancer Centers of America, have fully embraced this knowledge and place their patients on strict low-sugar, low-grain diets. But conventional medicine in general has been woefully lax when it comes to highlighting the health dangers of this additive.
As a standard recommendation, I strongly advise keeping your TOTAL fructose consumption below 25 grams per day including fruits. But for most people it would also be wise to limit your fructose from fruit to 15 grams or less, as you're virtually guaranteed to consume "hidden" sources of fructose if you drink beverages other than water and eat processed food.
Optimize Your Vitamin D Level
There's overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that vitamin D deficiency plays a crucial role in cancer development. Researchers within this field have estimated that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year simply by optimizing the vitamin D levels in the general population.
On a personal level, you can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure. And if you are being treated for cancer it is likely that higher blood levels—probably around 80-90 ng/ml—would be beneficial.
If the notion that sun exposure actually prevents cancer is still new to you, I highly recommend you watch my one-hour vitamin D lecture to clear up any confusion. It's important to understand that the risk of skin cancer from the sun comes only from excessive exposure.
If you are like most people, when you think of reducing your risk of cancer, exercise doesn't immediately come to mind. However, there is some fairly compelling evidence that exercise can slash your risk of cancer. One of the primary ways exercise lowers your risk for cancer is by reducing elevated insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells.
For example, physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as their sedentary counterparts, and women who exercise regularly may reduce their breast cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent compared to those who are inactive.It's important to include a large variety of techniques in your exercise routine, such as strength training, aerobics, core-building activities, and stretching. Most important of all, however, is to make sure you include high-intensity, burst-type exercise, such as those described in my Peak Fitness program.
These exercises activate your super-fast twitch muscle fibers, which can increase your body's natural production of human growth hormone. For detailed instructions, please see this previous article.
Get appropriate amounts of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats.
Eat according to your nutritional type. The potent anti-cancer effects of this principle are very much underappreciated. When we treat cancer patients in our clinic this is one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies we have.
Engage in activities that help you reduce your stress levels, such as exercise, meditation, journaling, music, gardening, etc. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed.
Only 25 percent of people eat enough vegetables, so by all means eat as many vegetables as you are comfortable with. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. Cruciferous vegetables in particular have been identified as having potent anti-cancer properties. Remember that carb nutritional types may need up to 300 percent more vegetables than protein nutritional types.
Maintain an ideal body weight.
Get appropriate amounts of high-quality sleep.
Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.
Reduce your use of cell phones and other wireless technologies, and implement as many safety strategies as possible if/when you cannot avoid their use.
Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them.
Better yet eat as many of your foods raw as you can.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Reading DR MERCOLA's Tips for Cancer Prevention it occured to me that WHEN YOUR MOTHER USED TO SAY PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE SHE WAS SURELY TALKING ABOUT CANCER ! Check out Dr.Mercola's take on the matter:
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First off, I congratulate you for taking the correct way to treat cancer, conventional "treatments" are no better than a placebo. Kudos to you for taking the step to bring you towards optimal health :)
Two concerns that I have with this article:
€ Fruit is not the enemy for cancer. It's true that sugar fuels cancers cells. It also fuels ALL cells, so by depriving of sugar in a whole foods form you are depriving the immune system of what it needs to fight the cancer. One of the most effective cancer therapies, past and present, is the gerson therapy and one of the main components in that is fruit juice. Please see the documentaries "healing cancer from the inside out" and "the beautiful truth" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye4N8EH3dog&feature=BFa&list=PL42850345EB8C2AC8&lf=results_main) for more information.
€ Nutritional type - doesn't exist. If you look at other aspects of nature, e.g. the anthropoid primates, which are most closely related to us, no one of them eat differently depending on blood type (and they have just the same ones as we do). The biggest difference in humans is between men and women, but no one is selling that diet. Go with the most healing diet you can find - a whole foods vegan or raw vegan diet high in fruits and green, leafy vegetables.
Thank you so much for your comment I love all info as it certainly helps us formulate our personal plan to beat this disease but note this came from Dr Mercola.
Pat, keep delivering the message. You live and breathe by example. Parents should be educating their kids about good nutrition from an early age. Many children are developing adult diseases due to poor diets (also on the part of the mother's diet) consisting of processed foods and other bad lifestyle habits. Back in the day, as kids we were fed on natural porridges (made from scratch), you cut your teeth on pumpkin and potatoes and a little chicken thrown in. Migration and adopting western habits has made many of us forget how wonderful it is to cook from scratch and enjoy natural food.
Keep being the messenger, the message needs to be out there.
Healthfully yours,
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