Sunday, July 13, 2008


It is so wonderful to see the western world realizing that food is the way to go.....Did we have to wait till we are all dying off and getting sick in epidemic proportions to realize we are digging our graves with our teeth?
My heavens! Are we seriously going to stop buying thousands of dollars of processed food and try and spend more time in the market?
Are we finally going to realize that the doctors cannot help us with our sinus related illnesses as all those pills that they give us is covering it up, not going to the root cause....which is , we need to stop eating mucus related foods!
We need to stop eating white rice, white bread, white sugar, white flour. Why? They are over-processed. Stop eating them and watch your sinus problems clear up.
Common sense tells u to come off dairy right ? I don`t need to tell u that. All the fast foods..... come off that too. U don`t know what oils they are using for one. Just try it.
Give yourself 3 months and see..... and don`t tell me u r off but still putting condensed milk in your tea.
The other thing i notice people i know doing when they want to lose weight is they stop eating altogether.
Please do not do that .....all u are doing is slowing down your metabolism.
I think we always go for the quick fix, so we try the chemicals which promise us instant relief. We eat wrongly so we take the antacid, we eat badly therefore lowering our immune system so when we get sick, we take the antibiotics.
I am married to a doctor, and when my son was younger and got a cold he would say 'is what he`s coughing up yellow?' If the answer was no, he would say '7 days' so unless the mucus coming out was yellow which meant infection, the poor child would have to cough and sputter until he got better in 7 days.
He always said a virus has to run its course. He believes that we don`t know what type of virus it is so how are we going to give antibiotics on an ad hoc basis.....made sense and all doctors know that but since we go to them coughing and sputtering , looking so mashed up and feeling rotten, they give us the antibiotics and hope it works...... How many of us are given tests to find out what kind of virus we have unless we can`t get better?
Have u noticed that these viruses nowadays even with antibiotics last over 3 weeks sometimes more....and u r left with a cough or a general low feeling for weeks after.....I wonder why that has happened ? could it be too much antibiotics instead of letting our colds run their course.....Do we realize that colds and flus are 2 different things?
We are so addicted to sweet that i notice the favourite thing everybody loves in 'raw food' is the pies - why ? It's sweet so we are still looking for a sugar fix.
So since we have to have sodas and sugar in our tea, coffee, juice etc.....why not eat fruit? Fruit is sweet, when very ripe i think they are too sweet so why not start there and work your way up ?
U know i don`t think anyone knows why certain people get certain things as we have people who do everything right and have no history in their family and still come down with cancer.....We hear the stories every week of people who never smoked, never did this or that, excercised everyday and still succumbed...well since we don`t know, why not give ourselves a fighting chance?
It's better to prevent than cure.

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