Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ABC`s tribute to Randy Pausch

WOW! What a tear jerker that was..........I didn`t realize how small , really young Randy Pausch`s children are.
He ran the last lap as well as anyone could, and as his wife says they are no different from the millions of us going through the same thing.
When she said the monthly tests is a reminder of what they are going through i realized how much i have to be thankful for as my monthly is now every 6 months and really how much that does affect your psyche.
It was wonderful to see how excited and full of childish glee he was when he achieved his childhood dream of playing professional football. It doesn't get better than that.
I also noticed how at times he was with the family, but not really with the family as u saw in his body language just how sick he was feeling but how hard he was trying to keep his game face on.
When he started to crack in his interview, tears just poured down my face as i felt his pain to my core, the fact that these 3 little children most probably will know another man as their father, he won`t be there to protect them, won`t be there to love them and receive their love, the eldest one such a clone of his father, did u hear him constantly questioning....... Randy`s close friend Steve Seabolt said when he told Dylan that some problems can`t be solved at least not yet, the child answered "my daddy has taught me that every problem can be solved,and that i should BELIEVE that every problem can be solved, and that i`m strong enough and smart enough that i should never let a problem get in my way," If that isn`t a mini Randy well u tell me, as make no ghost fool u, Randy is -sorry- was a very 'anal' man. U can see how he always strived for perfection. The aliveness u see in his eyes is what was transmitted to his body to keep him going.
Although he toned down his early arrogance it was always right under the surface but because he worked on himself he could keep it under control and bring it out in his wit .
We are told that as his body was failing his friend Steve told him it's OK to let go and his final words were ,"I`ll get back to u on that" letting us know that he knows his body was going but his spirit would live on.
His book and video are certainly things that this world is better off having........

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